Our garden has been in for about 2 weeks and is doing well.
Last year we did not have one because I had a broken wrist and
it’s pretty hard to run a tiller with one arm.
Do to all the critters in our woods (Rabbits, Ground Hogs, Deer)
We have to put up a fence. I use poultry fencing. It’s about 3 feet high
So actually if the deer want in they could easily jump over it
but they don’t.
We planted Green Peppers (18), Tomatoes (6), Broccoli(18)
We plan to plant some Sugar Snap Peas late summer for an early
Fall harvest. They are so good fresh. Go down to the garden snap
them off the bush and chomp away. A little fat free Ranch dressing!
Great eating
Forgot…. We planted 6 Pumpkin hills. If it works out we will have Pumpkins
For Halloween!
At this moment there are tomatoes, lettuces, onions, basil, peppers & watermelon in my little garden. There's even onions planted last spring that survived our cruel winter. The watermenlons last year did okay until the insects got to them so this year I'm spreading slug pellets around. Fingers crossed.
For the first time ever, I decided to forego filling an 18 x 18 Rubbermaid planter on the deck with the usual geranimum + petunia mix and instead turned it into a container herb garden: Parsley, Celantro, Dill, Basil, and Oregano.
Nothing like fresh spices a few steps from the kitchen door.
Aren't berb gardens great, Tarnation? In the late summer into fall, leave some parsley for the butterflies to lay their eggs in. We gets lots of green and yellow striped caterpillars in the parsley. It slips my mind exactly what kind of caterpillars these are....maybe swallowtails?.
crap... I have tons of plants, but they're still in their packets!!! when will I ever get used to 4 seasons??? sigh...
well... growing season is longer here in Georgia, I guess I can plant something now...
Harvested the first cucumber today, and the first couple cherry tomatoes might ripen by Independence day.
No critter damage I might actually get a zuchinni or two this season.
Tarnation, have you been over to the Stovertown farmer's market yet? I was there but not many venders. They expect more venders as gardens start producing crops. I will be checking later in the season.
That had a stand selling delicious looking wrapped bread. I read in the paper that the health board issued them a violation because they did not have a hand wash sink with running water. Seems kind of dumb to me for a farm stand where the product is already wrapped up and sealed.
Re first ripe tomatoes: Critters l. Azaalea 0. Critters found one I never saw.
Harvested the first summer squash yesterday so Mrs. T made the first fresh chicken fajita stir-fry of the summer. Added "store bought" onions and green peppers.
Fresh celantro from the herb planter to it to a new level. Can't beat fresh herbs.
My pepper plants are doing so poorly I'm about to pull them out of the ground. They've been so overwhelmed by the tomato plants so much so they never really got going. Speaking of tomato plants tonight I had the first of the BLT made with a tomato that weighs about half a pound. There's another the same size waiting in the wings for perhaps tomorow's dinner. My cherry tomatoes turned out to be the oval shaped ones and I am greatly disappointed with them. Little tomato taste, full of watery seeds and of course there are a zillion on the two plants. I'll end up giving most of them away.