That's incredible. Did you get any rain the last day or two? It looks like most of next week will be wet & I would think that will soften the ice to melt. I never went into the rear yard which gets little sun until later this month and beyond. There could still be ice down in the soil there too. Just the little rain yesterday and I can almost watch the grass turning green again.
I'm ready to get down & dirty in the garden with extra garden soil, manure (dried), plants, seeds & onion sets, but this weather neeeds to cooperate before much can be done. Too much rain=too wet=mud and I'm not inclined to dig in mud! My daffodils are ready to pop wide open and all that is required is some sun and warmth. Fingers crossed for the coming week.
Enriched my garden soil today with the manure, peat moss and fresh Black Gold garden soil. I like this stuff because it's not that heavy, dense and wet product sold everywhere and it blends in well with the existing soil. I bought mine at Spangler's in Dover. Dug the soil down deep to mix the new products in good, then gave it a good raking. It's ready for planting and I did get in 1.5 rows of white onion sets. Now I feel like it's spring!
I hope to get in the yard this afternoon. The place where I get my plants was destroyed the other day when a truck ran into the greenhouse. Don't know where I will get my stuff now. (crying)
Read about the truck in the paper this morning. It is unbelievable how many vehicles of any descrtption plow into houes, barn, businesses of all sorts in the York area. It seems to be almost a weekly occasion. Anyway, not knowing in what part of the county you live there are many garden nurseries around the county.
BYOB wrote:
tennyson wrote:
We are looking at downsizing to Condo life. The garden will likely be a thing of the past unless we have a small container garden.
Here's an idea for your condo container garden - you know, just a few plants.
BYOB wrote:
tennyson wrote:
We are looking at downsizing to Condo life. The garden will likely be a thing of the past unless we have a small container garden.
Here's an idea for your condo container garden - you know, just a few plants.
Last winter's extreme cold temperatures caused significant damage to my azaleas. All the plants survived, some barely, a few unscathed. Waiting until they began blooming before removing dead wood, which I set out to do yesterday, I discoved much new growth sprouting from some of the dead-looking branches. I've now decided to wait another week before attempting to clean them up and give mother nature time to do her magic. My knockout roses suffered the same fate as the azaleas and look dreadful. One was removed today and I think the remaining roses will depart in the fall. They're at least eight years old now and have spent their best years. The rhododendrons came thru the winter totally unscathed and one just finished blooming was gorgeous. Another soon to burst into it's magnificant red will be breathtaking. The lttle red dogwood planted a year ago and which lost all its leaves in late summer is striving to my greatest pleasure, so happy it survived. Other small shrubbery also came thru the winter in good shape and are slowly leafing out.
Never, never, ever prune azeleas, rhodendendrons, forsythia, spiroea, or other spring flowering shrubs until just after the flowers have bloomed. Then hack away with abandon.
With azeleas and rhodys do the pruning as soon as possible after flowering, before the buds begin to form for next year's blossoms.
I did some intense (severe)O pruning on a 20+ year old rhodedendron last spring. It has formed lots of new growth and buds....anxious to see the reduced but rejuvenated flowers in another week or so.
You are absolutely correct. I was looking at freeze damage but will wait another week or two to clean up the plants. I did yank out one very dead rhododendron yesterday. The root ball never moved on and there only a few roots that expanded so it was dead even before the deep freeze arrived. We also took out the very dead knockout rose bush and I'm not replacing it. I'm very over knock out roses with all those despicable thorns! Come fall they will all disappear.