Tarnation wrote:
The good news is that gas is $0.80 - $1.00 /gallon less than one year ago and hasn't been in its present range since five years ago.
Because I try to maximize my Weis points I'm making a 20 gallon fill-up (vehicle plus OPE gas tanks) about every 8 - 10 days. Figuring conservatively (365/9 x 20) I have $811.00 more in discretionary cash this $20.00 per fill up.
The local restaurants are seeing more of us lately.
A perfect way to look at the current situation.
Have you noticed? How nearly every gas outlet in the York area is selling at $2.55 while much of the U. S. is seeing much lower gas prices. I wonder why? Sam's today was at $2.45, still way too high. Speedway in Newberrytown where I filled up today was at $2.35, ten cents cheaper than Sams' Club and twenty cents less than most gas outlets around York. The price of a barrel of oil continues to drop and the oil glut continues to grow so why are we paying such high gasoline prices? Forget all the blah, blah, blah about seasonal changes at the refineries. I don't buy it anymore.
Gas prices today around York $2.45-2.49. Up at Newberrytown at the former Hess I paid $2.19 for regular this morning! Most Rutters along I83--$2.45/49. Sam's Club this morning $2.45. None will get any of my money as long as they're charging up to $.30 more per gallon, including Sam's where I usually buy gas.
Average of $2.02 around here in Hephzibah, $1.85 at Sam's & Costco...
Yes, and we get all the usual blah, blah, blah excuses why prices elsewhere are so high.
$1.78 at Sams today...
And in an act of great magnaminity, Rutters lowered its price at Loganville all of 2 cents to $2.47.
I will never forget how they, and they alone, spiked their price by 50 cents on the day of the terrorist attacks.
I checked prices on my way down to York this morning and all along I83 Rutters was still $2.49. I have no time for such a company and I am disappointed in Sam's at $2.43 today. Sam's lower gas prices was one reason I joined years ago but that has since disappeared. Sam's has consistently stayed within a few cents with the rest in the area. I filled up at Giant in Dover today for $2.39 (+ I had 30 cents off so I paid $2.09) but Giant in York was $2.45. The price Fox is paying in the Atlanta area is close to what I hope to see around York although with the increase in the PA gas tax we'll never see it quite that cheap.
Filled up in Woodstown, NJ on the way back from the shore. $1.97/gal.
Jersey has cheap gas, for sure!
Paid $2.35 in Bloomsburg yesterday.