Fox is making a new hero for the right to worship. Here is an on camera rant by some lady criticizing the President over the Attack in Tennesee. It's rambling, with non sequiturs about Gay marriage and climate change, among other far right bugaboos. Mainly, this little rant is designed to express contempt for, and to elicit anger towards, not terrorists, but the President, and liberals. You know, the real enemy.
It's a spontaneous, earnest speech. You can tell by the perfectly edited parade of patriotic images that play behind the talking head during her speech. Soldiers, flags, they even have fireworks exploding - you know, for the red glare.. She must have cleaned out the shelves at the patriotic stock photo store.
The thing is, we're all frustrated by these attacks and are trying to figure out a way to counter the terrorists.
But, I resent the hell out of someone trying to use this to further partisan ends.
Hey, I get it. Malibu Barbie is angry. So am I, So is the President. How about you propose some ideas for how to deal with it. I didn't see any in your video, beyond "show them a bomber".
Hello, we are already bombing. And how would that prevent attacks like the one we saw in TN anyway. Should we start strafing naturalized citizens in the US?
What a joke.
Tomi ought to trade in her designer dress for some fatigues, her piled on TV makeup for some camouflage, leave her secure latte lifestyle, and sign up for military duty and volunteer for Iraq or Afghanistan. She wouldn't be able to tell a Sunni from a Shi'ite even if they wore name tags. Save your feigned outrage for your morning table threesome at Starbucks Tomi. We all can see you for what you are: another bubble headed bleach blond hoping for a gig with Fox "news".
Yea, Malibu Barbie is dying to take her act to Fox.
Well, when you consider the type people who are enamored currently with "the Don", you can easily understand why these same mental giants would eat this up !
Last edited by tennyson (7/22/2015 9:24 pm)