I know some of you have been following it, and I couldn't blame you if you didn't, but Donald Trump vs 'Whoever' is one of the most entertaining spectacles on TV. Watching this train wreck inside the R-tribe clown car beats any reality show on TV, whether it's 'Housewives of ___________' (fill in the blank), 'Bachelor', or 'Bachelorette', or 'Alone', or 'Naked and Afraid', or whatever else is floating around out there vying for ratings.
No real reason for posting this observation except it's both sad and pathetic that this as where we are today in America. Amazing.
Oh, I have been watching, with amazement.
Trump is the perfect media creation for the dog days of the summer of 2015.
15 +/- months from the actual election, the media needs something a bit more fun for the masses than Jeb v hillary. I mean, the election is over a year away, and they've been yacking about Jeb and Hillary for going on two years already.
They will return to that later. For now, bread and circuses!
I'd love to see a substantive debate of the important issues of our day, but who would Bernie debate with?
(Yea, I'm looking at you, rest of the field!)
Anyway, when the time is right they will turn on Trump and help him destroy himself.
I may be alone here, but I don't see Trump as an active candidate by the time March 2016 rolls around.
One thing I do find troubling. If you go to the comments sections on some media sites, the Trumpanista are continuing to trash McCain's service to his country. Calling him all sorts of names, even blaming him for the fire on the USS Forrestal. These arch conservatives are supposedly more patriotic than us, and revere military service. But they have no qualms about stomping on a guy's service to support a carnival huckster.
Pathetic. Swift-boating is back in style.
I would estimate that about 75% of the Morning Joe show today was about Trump.
At the end of it, I still have absolutely no idea where the man stands on any issue.
"We can do the innuendo, we can dance and sing,
When it 's said and done we haven't told you a thing.
We all know that crap is king.
Give us dirty laundry."