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2/14/2015 9:15 am  #1

Scott Walker is in

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is running for president as a Republican.

How do I know he's running? Well, when Governors decide to run for president, they try to display some foreign policy experience. That seems to involve going to London to be seen in an exotic culture, speaking a foreign language.
(Christie did it. Mitt did it.)

How do I know that Walker is running as a Repubican? Well, he was asked by a reporter if he accepted the theory of evolution. Walker declined to answer.

Good piece in the NYT

Scott Walker Needs an Eraser

Gail Collins

Lately, the big star in the race for the Republican presidential nomination has been Scott Walker, the governor of Wisconsin. He gave a rip-roaring speech at a conservative confab in Iowa last month, and it’s been his moment ever since.

Unless the moment ended this week when Walker went to London on an alleged trade mission and refused to say whether he believes in evolution. Or pretty much anything.

“For me, commenting on foreign policy or, in this case, economic policy in a country where you’re a visitor is not the politest of things,” he told a BBC journalist.

Who knows how that will fly with the Republican base? Maybe they’re dying for a president who’ll go on an international trip and confine his remarks to the virtues of Wisconsin cheese.

But about that Iowa speech: It was really a rouser. Basically, Walker talked about the “comprehensive conservative common-sense conservative agenda” he’s imposed on Wisconsin. His common-sense examples included making it easier for people to carry lethal weapons around the state and defunding the main organization that helps low-income Wisconsin women with family planning.

Mainly, though, The Speech was about waging war on public employee unions, particularly the ones for teachers. “In 2010, there was a young woman named Megan Sampson who was honored as the outstanding teacher of the year in my state. And not long after she got that distinction, she was laid off by her school district,” said Walker, lacing into teacher contracts that require layoffs be done by seniority.

All of that came as a distinct surprise to Claudia Felske, a member of the faculty at East Troy High School who actually was named a Wisconsin Teacher of the Year in 2010. In a phone interview, Felske said she still remembers when she got the news at a “surprise pep assembly at my school.” As well as the fact that those layoffs happened because Walker cut state aid to education.

Actually, Wisconsin names four teachers of the year, none of which has ever been Megan Sampson, who won an award for first-year English teachers given by a nonprofit group. But do not blame any of this on Sampson, poor woman, who was happily working at a new school in 2011 when Walker made her the star victim in an anti-union opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal. At the time, she expressed a strong desire not to be used as a “poster child for this political agenda,” and you would think that after that the governor would leave her alone. Or at least stop saying she was teacher of the year.

When it comes to education, Walker seems prone toward this sort of intellectual hiccup. Just recently, he released a proposed budget that would have changed the University of Wisconsin’s mission statement by eliminating the bits about “the search for truth,” educating people and serving society, in favor of the educational goal of meeting “the state’s work force needs.” When all hell broke loose, Walker blamed that one on a drafting error.

“Is this a pattern?” teacher-of-the-year Felske wondered.

That budget also contains another interesting education idea that Walker has yet to blame on inept typists. He wants to change the way teachers are licensed. Basically, the plan would be to let people with “real-life experience” just take a test to demonstrate that they knew their subject matter. It appears to require no training whatsoever in the actual art of teaching.

“Teaching is more than just knowing stuff,” protested Tony Evers, the state superintendent of public instruction. “It is an extraordinarily complex skill.” You may not be surprised to hear that in Wisconsin, the superintendent of education is not appointed by the governor. Evers was elected on his own, and his office is extremely unhappy about Walker’s new plan.

“We don’t know the origins of this idea. It wasn’t discussed,” said John Johnson, a spokesman for the superintendent. “We’re requiring more rigor of our students, but this certainly seems like a decrease in the rigor we require of our teachers.”  

The idea could very well become law, whether the educators like it or not, since the Wisconsin Legislature often makes policy changes as part of the budget. We will have to let Wisconsinites worry about that.

But it gives us a fresh look at the wave of attacks on teachers’ unions around the country. We definitely do not want to protect incompetent or lazy teachers. On the other hand, if you believe that teaching is a skill that it takes years of practice to master, you also do not want to encourage politicians to save money by canning the most expensive and most experienced teachers.

Not a problem for Scott Walker. His view of teaching is apparently that anybody can do it. Just the way anybody can be president. As long as they don’t make you talk about evolution.

Last edited by Goose (2/14/2015 9:22 am)

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

2/14/2015 10:26 am  #2

Re: Scott Walker is in

My response starts out as , then proceeds to .


2/14/2015 11:08 am  #3

Re: Scott Walker is in

Right now, I'd say he's playing the political thing to perfection ........... he's got the support of the Koch's (who have committed to dumping 900 million into the campaigns of their puppets), he's got the religious right, the Tea Party, and the anti-union crowd on his side.  He knows how to duck the tough questions and pretending to understand foreign policy by traveling to that 'foreign country' of England and speaking in their tongue.

Should be fun watching him and the Jebster throwing punches at eachother sometime down the road.

Last edited by Just Fred (2/14/2015 11:11 am)


2/14/2015 11:13 am  #4

Re: Scott Walker is in

Hey Fred, your avatar is gone. Replaced by that weird image when a picture won't load. Doesn't seem quite fitting for the Duke of Cortona. 


2/14/2015 11:58 am  #5

Re: Scott Walker is in

Yea, I'm thinking that Jeb has a rival for all that establishment money.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 
     Thread Starter

2/14/2015 12:00 pm  #6

Re: Scott Walker is in

BYOB wrote:

Hey Fred, your avatar is gone. Replaced by that weird image when a picture won't load. Doesn't seem quite fitting for the Duke of Cortona. 

That happened to mine too.

I think it was just for avatars that were linked from the old Exchange.

Must have happened when the site was deleted.

If you make yourself miserable trying to make others happy that means everyone is miserable.

-Me again


2/14/2015 12:06 pm  #7

Re: Scott Walker is in

They're back up now.
At least I can see them.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 
     Thread Starter

2/14/2015 12:51 pm  #8

Re: Scott Walker is in

I never knew my avatar was gone.  It's there now isn't it?


2/14/2015 1:24 pm  #9

Re: Scott Walker is in

It was, but it doesn't seem to be there as of today. I can't see it anyway.

Last edited by BYOB (2/14/2015 1:24 pm)


2/14/2015 1:30 pm  #10

Re: Scott Walker is in

Maybe it is a browser issue.
I noticed my work computer did not display either Fred, of CT's avatar yesterday. (IE).
Yet, I can see them both now at home. (Google Chrome)

Last edited by Goose (2/14/2015 1:30 pm)

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 
     Thread Starter

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