What a delightful movie! Is nothing better than a Hepburn & Tracey movie amongst all the trash on television and in theaters? This movie, made in 1967 when race relations were at some of the worse since slavery days and two years before the DC and other cities' riots, stands out for its dialogue as well as the performers. One highlight is the discussion over the daughter in love with a black man (Sidnay Portier) and the comment made regarding no "colored" man with a white mother would ever become president. Made me sit up in my chair! And here we are nearly 50 years later. A black president whose momma is white.
This was the last movie Tracy made. He died 17 days after finishing the film.
Great movie in all respects.
Hepburn and Tracey had wonderful onscreen chemistry.
Woman of the Year, and Desk Set were very good as well.
flowergirl wrote:
What a delightful movie! Is nothing better than a Hepburn & Tracey movie amongst all the trash on television and in theaters? This movie, made in 1967 when race relations were at some of the worse since slavery days and two years before the DC and other cities' riots, stands out for its dialogue as well as the performers. One highlight is the discussion over the daughter in love with a black man (Sidnay Portier) and the comment made regarding no "colored" man with a white mother would ever become president. Made me sit up in my chair! And here we are nearly 50 years later. A black president whose momma is white.
This was the last movie Tracy made. He died 17 days after finishing the film.
Isn't it amazing how statements like that really hit you when you see it again !
The dialogue brought to light so much of our recent past. For instance "negro" and "colored" were used about a dozed times by the fathers of the daughter and her beau (Sidnay Portier). But I don't have to watch a 1967 movie to hear "colored" used to describe members of the black race. Talking to a neighbor several weeks he used "colored" and "queers," the latter in reference to gay people. He's a native Pennsyltuckian about 68. Go figure.
Wasn't that a great movie? I watched it the other night. In the last scene when Spencer was talking, the camera was on him as he spoke, with Katherine in the background slightly out of focus. Her eyes welled with tears and the way the light was hitting you could see the tears glisten in her eyes as he spoke about youth and love. It really choked me up. I knew he died just days later and I am in awe how the both of them had the strength to do that marvelous scene.
It's a rare movie that keeps my attention throughout and this one did. I wish TMC would show more of theirs.