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5/30/2015 10:34 am  #11

Re: The Age Of Disinformation

tennyson wrote:

Here is one chart that shows what is happening worldwide. 

China is on a mission to curb its CO2 emissions as it has quickly become the worlds largest contributor to the pollution problem as it has industrialized. Even with their efforts, IF the Chineese start using cars like other developed countries, even the current efforts may not be enough. With prosperity and development sometimes come these environmental consequences. 

True. Someone mentioned earlier not returning to the stone age. Absolutely. I'm not an extremist.
I like that my house is warm in the winter and lit at nite.
I enjoy the freedom and ability to explore my country and the world.  I love the freedom of a personal vehicle.
I like being able to get fresh produce all year long.
I like being able to sit in my house in Massachusetts and enjoy both Maine lobster and Alaskan Salmon.
I lkie modern medicine, and a wide variety of consumer goods.
Prosperity is good.

Yet, we need to look at every opportunity to manage the risk that our effects on the world have, or we risk decreasing  quality of life. Maybe not for us, but for the poorer people of the world.
I just shudder to think of India and China reaching the per capita CO2 production that we have here now in the states

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

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