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5/05/2015 6:36 pm  #1

The Guy the Media Ignores

This last week several presidential hopefuls threw their hat in the ring.  The R-Tribe people got most of the attention, but how about this guy?



5/06/2015 4:27 am  #2

Re: The Guy the Media Ignores

Going to be an uphill struggle for Bernie to get media attention.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

5/06/2015 6:22 am  #3

Re: The Guy the Media Ignores

Goose wrote:

Going to be an uphill struggle for Bernie to get media attention.

Whaaaa? How quickly we forget. Bernie was at the center of the media spotlight last week when he announced. There were profiles done on just about every major media website. He was brought up on every Sunday show this past weekend.

Yes, this week the focus has shifted to the new candiates that have jumped in on the GOP side. That's natural. 

But I would offer that now Bernie's grand entrance has come and gone, rather than demanding that the media cover him simply because he's running for President, it is incumbent upon him to draw the media to him through his ideas, events, speeches, etc.

I think you're going to see a lot of different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. - President Donald J. Trump

5/06/2015 6:26 am  #4

Re: The Guy the Media Ignores

Good points.

But, past experience suggests that, after a few polls come out, Bernie will  get the "can't win" label, and it won't matter what his ideas are.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

5/06/2015 8:14 pm  #5

Re: The Guy the Media Ignores

Well, we will see just how good a marketing campaign Bernie will be able to organize. His initial fundraising once he announced was actually impressive. He WILL need more national recognition than what he currently has. We will see if he does the circuit trail to promote his ideas and really gets into the whole "tour America" to garner votes for his ideas. 


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