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5/05/2015 1:35 pm  #1

Gohmert Sounds The Alarm About Possible Military Takeover Of Texas

How in the bloody hell can someone so dim-witted be an actual member of congress??

Tea party darling Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) on Tuesday demanded that the U.S. military alter a planned training exercise that some conspiracy theorists believe is cover for a possible takeover of the Lone Star state.

Gohmert said in a statement that he understands Texans' concerns that the exercise, dubbed "Jade Helm 15," may be a precursor for martial law. He directed his criticism specifically at what has been reported to be a map of the training exercise, which labels Texas, among other states, as "hostile" territory:

"Once I observed the map depicting ‘hostile,’ ‘permissive,’ and ‘uncertain’ states and locations, I was rather appalled that the hostile areas amazingly have a Republican majority, ‘cling to their guns and religion,’ and believe in the sanctity of the United States Constitution," Gohmert said in the statement.

"Such labeling by a government that is normally not allowed to use military force against its own citizens is an affront to the residents of that particular state considered as 'hostile,' as if the government is trying to provoke a fight with them," he later added.

The congressman urged the military to alter the tone of the training exercise and draw up a new map so as to dispel any notion that the federal government is "intentionally practicing war" against particular states.

Fortunately, not all Texas GOP congressmen are not completely bat-sh!t crazy when it comes to this military readiness exercise. 

By the way if you want a good laugh, you should read up on all of the conspiracy theories around Jade-Helm 15.

At an information session in Bastrop on Monday, command spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria fielded questions about whether Jade Helm 15 will involve bringing foreign fighters from the Islamic State to Texas, whether U.S. troops will confiscate Texans’ guns and whether the Army intends to implement martial law, according to the Austin American-Statesman.

“It’s the same thing that happened in Nazi Germany: You get the people used to the troops on the street, the appearance of uniformed troops and the militarization of the police,” Bastrop resident Bob Wells told the Statesman after the meeting. “They’re gathering intelligence. That’s what they’re doing. And they’re moving logistics in place for martial law. That’s my feeling. Now, I could be wrong. I hope I am wrong. I hope I’m a ‘conspiracy theorist.'”

Concerns about the operation extend beyond Bastrop. Texas talk show host and self-described “thought criminal against Big Brother” Alex Jones ran a story about the operation under the headline: “Feds preparing to invade Texas, list state as ‘hostile.'”

“Texas is listed as a hostile sector. Of course we are. We’re here defending the republic,” he said on his show.

Multiple Web sites of varying repute also drew a link between the operation and a recent Wal-Mart announcement the chain will be closing five stores, two of them in Texas.

“Are the closed Walmarts being activated as central command for underground operations?” read a headline on IntelliHub, which calls itself the “Civilian Intelligence Agency.”


I think you're going to see a lot of different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. - President Donald J. Trump

5/05/2015 1:42 pm  #2

Re: Gohmert Sounds The Alarm About Possible Military Takeover Of Texas

Why would the US want to take over Texas, Louie?
texas is already part of the United States.

His poll numbers in his district will probably jump 5 points.  

Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation.

Last edited by Goose (5/05/2015 1:45 pm)

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

5/05/2015 2:08 pm  #3

Re: Gohmert Sounds The Alarm About Possible Military Takeover Of Texas

Ok, that does it.  Texas needs to secede from the Union, and you know, that's ok by me.  What could I (we) do to help?

“Are the closed Walmarts being activated as central command for underground operations?” read a headline on IntelliHub, which calls itself the “Civilian Intelligence Agency.”

This is absolutely true.  They found us out, we need to come clean.

Texas talk show host and self-described “thought criminal against Big Brother” Alex Jones ran a story about the operation under the headline: “Feds preparing to invade Texas, list state as ‘hostile.'”

How about the citizens of Texas rally around Alex Jones on this one.  They would be fools not to.  All we would have to do would be to change the number of stars on the flag and that would be easy ........ 7 rows with 7 stars on each row.  From a design point-of-view, it would be a piece of cake, unless of course, Puerto Rico would like to take their place. 

Last edited by Just Fred (5/05/2015 2:10 pm)


5/05/2015 2:09 pm  #4

Re: Gohmert Sounds The Alarm About Possible Military Takeover Of Texas

Lager asked "How in the bloody hell can someone so dim-witted be an actual member of congress ? ?"

Well it's been going on for years as this article from the Houston Press published 2 years ago attests.
Apparently the voters in Tyler, TX are afflicted with some kind of mental deficiency that makes Louie seem somewhat intelligent. You know, like the old saying "in a country of the blind, the one eyed man is king".


You are the reason people will continue to mock Texas for decades to come.

Louis Gohmert doesn't need evidence. He doesn't need proof, or sourcing, or the ability to back up a claim with anything other than the vitriol in his voice and the consternation in his gut. All he needs is an idea, and a microphone, and away we go.

Gohmert's idiocies idiosyncrasies have brought plenty of poor repute to his Tyler-based district, comprising 12 counties that have been as satisfied with Gohmert's run as a dung beetle is with the massed, messy ball it enjoys rolling around. And Gohmert's latest outburst -- alleging that the Obama administration isn't simply kowtowing to the Muslim Brotherhood, but that they've actually infiltrated his rank -- fits wonderfully within his trend of head-in-the-sand statements that make people wonder why anyone would choose to actually live in Texas.

It's a shame that Gohmert won't be around when future textbooks remind children of how studiously stupid you can look when you fail to corroborate claims with attendant evidence. However, with this list of the five most imbecilic things Gohmert's ever asserted, here's hoping he may have some taste as to how future generations will view both him and those who've decided to reelect him ad nauseum:

5. While discussing the putative reality that caribou, for some reason that only a rural Texan representative could fathom, enjoy the warmth of an oil pipeline: "So when [caribou] want to go on a date, they invite each other to head over to the pipeline. ... So my real concern now [is] if oil stops running through the pipeline ... do we need a study to see how adversely the caribou would be affected if that warm oil ever quit flowing?"

I'm pretty sure that the only thing we'd need a follow-up study on, Mr. Gohmert, is whether you have cracked a lone biology book within the past few decades, or if you'd like to cite, I don't know, a single study purporting to back up the notion that a warm pipeline -- a warm pipeline -- will expedite the mating rituals of ungulates. (Or have you ever even encountered the word "ungulate" before?) Fortunately, George HW Bush had a thought along the same lines, saying, "The caribou love [the pipeline]. They rub against it and they have babies." Fair enough, Mr. President. Whatever you say.

4. After the massacre in Aurora, Colo., Gohmert determined that the cause of James Holmes's rampage wasn't, say, mental health issues, or some form of social trigger -- but, rather, that he didn't have the appropriate fear of a vengeful, unforgiving God: "You know what really gets me, as a Christian, is to see the ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs, and then some senseless crazy act of terror like this takes place. ... We've threatened high school graduation participations, if they use God's name, they're going to be jailed ... I mean that kind of stuff. Where was God? What have we done with God? We don't want him around. I kind of like his protective hand being present."

Right, Louie. I'm sure your God took such great offense to being taken out of the valedictory remarks that he let 12 people get gunned down. I'm sure your God is such an egoistic priss that he decided to get back at us for not being the sufficiently pious nation we once were -- what, like when we legally sanctioned Jim Crow? or when your state employed human chattel? or when we snapped every antebellum treaty signed with a Native American tribe? -- that He said, No, fine, James, this is all you, whatever you want. I'm sure that's how your Judeo-Christian God works. He has feelings too, you know.

3. When nominating Florida Rep. Allen West as Speaker of the House ... after West had already lost his reelection bid. (Louie didn't so much say as anything terribly heinous this time around, but it was certainly one of the most moronic moves he's yet made. West, well-known for being nearly court martialed for firing a gun past an already-held suspect's head in Iraq, was one of the scummier politicians recently in the House. Gohmert couldn't get enough of him.)

2. Last week, Gohmert went to WorldNetDaily, one of the only conspiracy sites giving Alex Jones a run, to spout, once more, a belief that the enemies have already reached our shore: "This administration has so many Muslim Brotherhood members that have influence that they just are making wrong decisions for America."

"So many," he says. This administration, this claque pushing into a second term the predominance of the American people demanded, has "so many Muslim Brotherhood members" within it. Not that he'd like to name any other than, say, Huma Abedin, the former Hilary Clinton aide that Gohmert and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann determined was a mole last summer. Ted Cruz has already grabbed the mantle of Modern McCarthyism, so Gohmert has to conduct a few House hearings before he can threaten Cruz's position. But he's on his way. Proof is for the weak. Slander is for the successful. And it's high-time the administration of the B. Hussein Gang is revealed for the anti-American, pro-Allah clique it is.

1. Much like Houston's own State Rep. Debbie Riddle, Gohmert is convinced, all evidence otherwise, that there are terrorist organizations -- somewhere, somehow -- concocting schemes to send their pregnant Black Widows to our American shores, spawning natural-born terrorists, and then using them and their US Citizenship Cards, decades on, to decimate the land we call home: "[The children] could be raised and coddled as future terrorists [and] twenty, thirty years down the road, they can be sent in to help destroy our way of life."

As before, Gohmert seems interminably incapable of citing any forms of evidence. The man's rhetorical devices are as hollow as they are unbearable; he'd be laughed out of any courtroom and debate society the nation over.

Hey, you can't make this stuff up. Yet the clown prince of congress continues to get re-elected. Once again proof of the statement, we get the government we deserve.

Last edited by Rongone (5/05/2015 2:09 pm)


5/05/2015 2:12 pm  #5

Re: Gohmert Sounds The Alarm About Possible Military Takeover Of Texas

I have started a group. " Massachusettsans for Texas Indepedence".

We demand freedom for our brothers from Texas .

Goose president and CEO.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

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