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4/30/2015 11:39 am  #31

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

I will join the fight and do all I can to promote this man.  Again, I urge everyone to get the "Bernie Buzz" emails.  I'm guessing rongone already does.

Simply go this website, and you can listen to Sanders for about 3 minutes, and below the video you will see the opportunity to sign up for the "Bernie Buzz" (sign up for the national one, not the one directed to just Vermonters) in addition let him know what you feel are the most important national issues we face.

Last edited by Just Fred (4/30/2015 11:54 am)


4/30/2015 11:56 am  #32

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

Vox has a very good profile on Sanders if you want to learn more about him.......

"Bernie is in many ways a 1930s radical as opposed to a 1960s radical," says professor Garrison Nelson of the University of Vermont. "The 1930s radicals were all about unions, corporations — basically economic issues rather than cultural ones." Richard Sugarman, an old friend who worked closely with Sanders during his early political career, concurs. "We spent much less time on social issues and much more time on economic issues," he told me. "Bernard always began with the question of, 'What is the economic fairness of the situation?'


Last edited by TheLagerLad (4/30/2015 11:56 am)

I think you're going to see a lot of different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. - President Donald J. Trump
     Thread Starter

4/30/2015 12:36 pm  #33

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

Just Fred wrote:

I will join the fight and do all I can to promote this man.  Again, I urge everyone to get the "Bernie Buzz" emails.  I'm guessing rongone already does.

Simply go this website, and you can listen to Sanders for about 3 minutes, and below the video you will see the opportunity to sign up for the "Bernie Buzz" (sign up for the national one, not the one directed to just Vermonters) in addition let him know what you feel are the most important national issues we face.

I found his overview at the same site to be more usefull. I have to delete too many things in my email today. We kind of get inundated with info in this modern world in too many ways.  


"Do not confuse motion and progress, A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress"

4/30/2015 1:27 pm  #34

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

We kind of get inundated with info in this modern world in too many ways.  -  Tennyson

I understand, and I can relate. I just figured this was important since the media will be all over Clinton, Cruz, Rubio, Walker, etc.

Here's something I didn't know:  You don't have to be a democrat to be included in the democratic primary.


4/30/2015 1:38 pm  #35

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

This gives you a pretty good idea of Bernie Sanders in a nutshell:

Writing [url=about:blank]this morning for Rolling Stone,[/url] Matt Taibbi, who followed Sanders around for a month, described him thus:
He is the rarest of Washington animals, a completely honest person. If he's motivated by anything other than a desire to use his influence to protect people who can't protect themselves, I've never seen it. Bernie Sanders is the kind of person who goes to bed at night thinking about how to increase the heating-oil aid program for the poor.

This is why his entrance into the 2016 presidential race is a great thing and not a mere footnote to the inevitable coronation of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee. If the press is smart enough to grasp it, his entrance into the race makes for a profound storyline that could force all of us to ask some very uncomfortable questions.[/quote888]

Last edited by Just Fred (4/30/2015 1:40 pm)


4/30/2015 1:57 pm  #36

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

Just Fred wrote:

This gives you a pretty good idea of Bernie Sanders in a nutshell:

Writing [url=about:blank]this morning for Rolling Stone,[/url] Matt Taibbi, who followed Sanders around for a month, described him thus:
He is the rarest of Washington animals, a completely honest person. If he's motivated by anything other than a desire to use his influence to protect people who can't protect themselves, I've never seen it. Bernie Sanders is the kind of person who goes to bed at night thinking about how to increase the heating-oil aid program for the poor.

This is why his entrance into the 2016 presidential race is a great thing and not a mere footnote to the inevitable coronation of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee. If the press is smart enough to grasp it, his entrance into the race makes for a profound storyline that could force all of us to ask some very uncomfortable questions.[/quote888]

This only goes to underscore the reasons why we need campaign finance reform. 


"Do not confuse motion and progress, A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress"

4/30/2015 3:44 pm  #37

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

When I heard that Bernie was officially in the race you were the first person I thought of, Fred!

It is my perception that Bernie's odds of winning the primary, let alone the presidency, are in the Ron Paul-ish range. His honest, no-BS style and principled defense of the issues he believes in make him a political black sheep and as such he will get plenty of media coverage due to his peculiarity. He might win some straw polls and he'll energize the Democrats who feel voiceless but at the end of the day I think that equates to between 5-15% of the vote depending on whether or not any other candidates throw their hats in the ring as well.

That said, more power to him. I like the weirdos. Ron Paul got me fired up enough to make my own run at a house seat, I wish those kind of guys would do better on election day.


4/30/2015 4:31 pm  #38

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

......he will get plenty of media coverage due to his peculiarity.   - Doug

Hi Doug, glad to have you join in the discussion! 

Anyhow, isn't it interesting we describe someone in the world of politics who is honest, has a no-BS style, and a principled defense of the issues, as 'peculiar'.  Shows how far America has come since the country was founded.  Statesmen are so hard to find anymore.

Don't be a stranger on this board. 


4/30/2015 4:32 pm  #39

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

Yea, I see it going down about the same way, Doug. I do wish Bernie well, though.
How cool would it be to see some real dialogue in the Democratic primaries.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

4/30/2015 4:37 pm  #40

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

Just Fred wrote:

Anyhow, isn't it interesting we describe someone in the world of politics who is honest, has a no-BS style, and a principled defense of the issues, as 'peculiar'.  


We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

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