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4/28/2015 3:54 pm  #1

Bernie Sanders to announce

CNBC is reporting that Bernie Sanders will announce Thursday that he's running for President

Last edited by TheLagerLad (4/28/2015 3:55 pm)

I think you're going to see a lot of different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. - President Donald J. Trump

4/28/2015 4:10 pm  #2

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

Yahoo!  I love this guy.  One of the few statesmen we have left.


4/28/2015 4:22 pm  #3

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

Welcome to the race, Senator.

I hope that Sanders gets fair press coverage. Often the media focuses too much on the "horse race" aspect of the process.
They will say "so and so has announced, but he really has no chance. Ok, we're done here".

Please leave the handicapping to Las Vegas. Report on the candidate's record, and what he wants to do as President. Then let the People decide what sort of chance he has.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

4/28/2015 6:57 pm  #4

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

Hillary can't like this.  If he receives any attention and starts drawing support, he may pull her left for the primary, which wouldn't be ideal for her.

Get the popcorn ready, the Dem primary might be just as interesting as the Rep.


4/28/2015 6:59 pm  #5

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

Brady Bunch wrote:

Hillary can't like this.  If he receives any attention and starts drawing support, he may pull her left for the primary, which wouldn't be ideal for her.

Get the popcorn ready, the Dem primary might be just as interesting as the Rep.

I sure would prefer a primary over a coronation.
Not  a huge fan of Hillary.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

4/28/2015 7:45 pm  #6

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

Brady Bunch wrote:

Hillary can't like this.  If he receives any attention and starts drawing support, he may pull her left for the primary, which wouldn't be ideal for her.

Get the popcorn ready, the Dem primary might be just as interesting as the Rep.

Disagree. Hillary has to love this. Next to Bernie, she'll look safe and moderate.

That isn't a shot at Sanders. But fact is he's far left to the average democrat.

I do think Bernie will be a good test for Hillary. He will challenge her on a lot of key Democratic Party issues and will call her out her cozy realtionship with Wall Street and corporate America.

But in the end, I see Bernie running for a cause, rather than running for president.

I think you're going to see a lot of different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. - President Donald J. Trump
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4/28/2015 8:05 pm  #7

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

That is why I said if he can garner attention and generate support.  You are correct, he is far left of the mainstream democrat, but he might be able to garner some of the progressive wing of the party, especially if nobody else runs that they can get behind.  If he can get enough people like Just Fred excited, things could snowball and make it difficult for Hillary,

I don't think he stands a chance of beating her and it would take a miracle for him to get elected in a general election.


4/28/2015 10:53 pm  #8

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

I will work for Bernie Sanders if indeed he announces he will run for president.  Yes, I know the uphill fight he faces.  But, his voice needs to be heard on the national stage. 

The only question I have at this point is will he run as an independent or join the D-Tribe and challenge Hillary Clinton?  Either way, he is someone you need to listen to and you won't have to guess what he's thinking.  He won't tailor his speeches in order to pander to a specific audience.  He's upfront and honest about his positions on important issues and he'll tell you why without doing some kind of Aztec two-step to dance around the tough questions.

Last edited by Just Fred (4/29/2015 8:29 am)


4/29/2015 7:33 am  #9

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

Just Fred wrote:

I will work for Bernie Sanders if he indeed he announces he will run for president.  Yes, I know the uphill fight he faces.  But, his voice needs to be heard on the national stage. 

The only question I have at this point is will he run as an independent or join the D-Tribe and challenge Hillary Clinton?  Either way, he is someone you need to listen to and you won't have to guess what he's thinking.  He won't tailor his speeches in order to pander to a specific audience.  He's upfront and honest about his positions on important issues and he'll tell you why without doing some kind of Aztec two-step to dance around the tough questions.

He will run in the democratic primary. 

I do wonder as Sanders is an independent in the Senate (although he caucuses with the Dems) if we see the state party machines challenge his ability to get on the ballot on some states. 

From the Vermont Pulic Radio report that came out yesterday, Sanders message will focus on trade deals such as the TPP, income inequality, and opportunities for the middle class

Sanders' basic message will be that the middle class in America has been decimated in the past two decades while wealthy people and corporations have flourished.

His opposition to a proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal (T.P.P.) shows how he plans to frame this key issue of his campaign.

"If you want to understand why the middle class in America is disappearing and why we have more wealth and income inequality in America than we have had since the late 1920s, you have to address the issue of trade,” Sanders said in a phone interview on April 23.

..."All of the major corporations want to continue with this trade policy. Wall Street wants to continue this trade policy. The drug companies want to continue this trade policy. But organizations representing American workers and the environment do not want to continue the trade policy. They want new trade policies,” he said.

And Sanders says it is imperative that all the Democratic presidential candidates address the issue of trade and income inequality.

"So, I think that Hillary Clinton and every candidate out there should in fact address whether or not they support this T.P.P.," Sanders said.


Last edited by TheLagerLad (4/29/2015 7:33 am)

I think you're going to see a lot of different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. - President Donald J. Trump
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4/29/2015 8:04 am  #10

Re: Bernie Sanders to announce

Yea, I'm a little confused on how he gets on Democratic Primary Ballots.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

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