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4/27/2015 10:06 am  #1

Jeb Rocks the Record

MIAMI BEACH, Fla.—All-but-declared Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush told about 350 donors Sunday that he had set a record in Republican politics for fundraising in the first 100 days of a White House bid.

Mr. Bush’s announcement, which was met by hearty applause according to donors in the room, came on the first night of a private, two-day gathering for his top donors at an oceanfront luxury hotel. The event will include policy, political and financial briefings by Mr. Bush and his advisers.

Last edited by Just Fred (4/27/2015 10:07 am)


4/27/2015 10:46 am  #2

Re: Jeb Rocks the Record

I've heard that Hillary has a goal of raising $2.5 billion. One can assume the the eventual GOP nominee will shoot for that same number. 

To put this into some sort of context, in 2010,Coca Cola spent $2.9 billion in marketing. That's almost $3 billion in one year, to sell soda. 

So I suppose in that context, the $5 billion spent on becoming president (which is I would argue is not different than any other marketing campaign) seems about in line, all things considered.

And since campaigning for the Presidency requires the budget of a Fortune 100 company (Coca-Cola was #58 last year), Jeb and all the other candidates need to tout their fundraising numbers just as much as their ability to win votes. 

I'm not advocating for this as the best way to choose a president, but just laying out the facts.

I think you're going to see a lot of different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. - President Donald J. Trump

4/27/2015 11:36 am  #3

Re: Jeb Rocks the Record

TheLagerLad wrote:

I've heard that Hillary has a goal of raising $2.5 billion. One can assume the the eventual GOP nominee will shoot for that same number. 

To put this into some sort of context, in 2010,Coca Cola spent $2.9 billion in marketing. That's almost $3 billion in one year, to sell soda. 

So I suppose in that context, the $5 billion spent on becoming president (which is I would argue is not different than any other marketing campaign) seems about in line, all things considered.

And since campaigning for the Presidency requires the budget of a Fortune 100 company (Coca-Cola was #58 last year), Jeb and all the other candidates need to tout their fundraising numbers just as much as their ability to win votes. 

I'm not advocating for this as the best way to choose a president, but just laying out the facts.

Sadly, the very unfortunate facts !


"Do not confuse motion and progress, A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress"

4/27/2015 11:53 am  #4

Re: Jeb Rocks the Record

It's not so bad. Politics has always been a strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
And most often our choices are not between good and bad, but bad and worse.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

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