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4/26/2015 5:41 pm  #11

Re: Ted Cruz's awful, Terrible, Not good Remarks

I wonder why commonsense felt compelled to post Ted Cruz's resume.

I have no idea,  I've got a swell resume, too.  Lots of people have impressive resumes.  Now what?


4/27/2015 9:42 am  #12

Re: Ted Cruz's awful, Terrible, Not good Remarks

Common Sense wrote:

My question would be from actions of the National Democratic Party do you think they
support Christian believing people? And then take that to the marriage question?

If you support traditional marriage you are…………………………. Put your label here!
We all know what happens to anyone who dares support this “old idea”!
Please don’t start railing that you must hate this or that because you support marriage!


I would say that as we are an overwhelmingly Christian country, that the overwhelming number of registered democrats are probably Christian.

Now if you start digging into the number of registered Democrats versus Republicans who are regular church goers, or who are more evangelical certainly the falls on the side of Republicans. 

But to say that Democrats as a whole are hostile to Christians is way off base, in my opinion.

In terms of marriage equality, my sense is that rather than the divide being between left and right, it falls more into a regional divide.

The west coast and Northeast seem to be more in favor of marriage equality, while the South and Midwest seem to want to pass laws preventing it. We saw the we saw the northeastern and west coast states lead the way on  civil unions and eventually marriage equality legislation. 

In terms of what Cruz is saying, it's the typical divide and conquer mentailty of presidential politics. The dude just hung out with two prominent (i.e. rich) gay hoteliers in New York City in an effort to raise money. It's quite clear that when it comes to campaign cash, Ted is more than willing to look the other way than to stay true to his ethics and religious beliefs. So if you look at it from that perspective, who is really being hostile to Christians?


Last edited by TheLagerLad (4/27/2015 9:42 am)

I think you're going to see a lot of different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. - President Donald J. Trump

4/27/2015 9:59 am  #13

Re: Ted Cruz's awful, Terrible, Not good Remarks

TheLagerLad wrote:

In terms of what Cruz is saying, it's the typical divide and conquer mentailty of presidential politics. The dude just hung out with two prominent (i.e. rich) gay hoteliers in New York City in an effort to raise money. It's quite clear that when it comes to campaign cash, Ted is more than willing to look the other way than to stay true to his ethics and religious beliefs. So if you look at it from that perspective, who is really being hostile to Christians?



We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 
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4/27/2015 4:46 pm  #14

Re: Ted Cruz's awful, Terrible, Not good Remarks

Goose wrote:


Common Sense wrote:

My question would be from actions of the National Democratic Party do you think they
support Christian believing people? 


Yes I do.
Any other questions?

Now, I have a question for you.
Do you think that it is appropriate and/or helpful to call other Americans "fascists"?




We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 
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4/27/2015 5:05 pm  #15

Re: Ted Cruz's awful, Terrible, Not good Remarks


This is a good point, and it happens all too often.  Someone starts a thread by dropping some kind of bomb or turd, someone asks for some clarification, justification, explanation, or response to a challenge, and the bomb dropper splits.

What the hell is that?  It's like saying, "Ok, you got me, I give up, but stay tuned, I'll drop another turd."


4/28/2015 4:31 am  #16

Re: Ted Cruz's awful, Terrible, Not good Remarks

This forum works a lot better when people stick around and talk to each other.
Of course, you'd have to actually be interested in talking to each other to do that.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 
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