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6/18/2024 8:23 pm  #1

What a bunch of Gasholes!

So today, for the third consecutive week I encountered a huge hard-hated assembly of Kinsley contractors working on behalf on Columbia Gas on North Main Street in Jacobus, directly in front of a Peoples' Bank branch.

Their subcontracted traffic control folks--four of them--kept traffic at reasonable one-direction-at-a-time flow through the "square" of Jacobus.

BUT....their the Kinsley vehicles...hogged almost every parking space in the bank's parking lot.

I could tolerate the inconvenience if there were just a hint of transparency on the websites of Jacobus Borough, PennDOT, or Columbia Gas. 

But instead there is a total veil of secrecy regarding the project's scope and estimated duration.


Is this some great national security secret?

In the meantime, I counted at least four Flagger Farce workers (probarbly about $15.00/hour) plus at least four yellow hardhats (non supervisory, at least $25.00/hr) and four white hardhats (supervisory,  at least $30.00) standing around at tent shaded 10 x 8 ' gas hole.

That's a ≥$260.00 hour gas hole!

Last edited by Tarnation (6/26/2024 9:36 pm)

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