We have heard the news that an American hostage and Italian hostage were killed in a drone attack in January and the President just spoke to the American people about the accident. The President or our military should not be blamed for this collateral damage. Somehow the American people have been duped into believing that you can fight a totally clean war withourt collateral damage. Unfortunately war is ugly and many times the innocent die with the guilty. Of course, whenever that happens it is a tragedy. I have been listening to CNN's coverage of this event and to be very honest I have lost any respect that I once had for their news coverage. Their news coverage is filled with sensationalism and hype! While listening to them, you would have thought that 50,000 innocent Americans were killed in this attack. The CNN newscasters are using words like most horrible tragedy, terrible - terrible tragedy. horrific event, dramatic, etc. Not only do they use these hyped up words and expression, they are broadcasting a constant barrage of this all morning.
It is interesting that this same news service just casually announced and covered the innocent beheadings and shooting of Christians by militant Islamists because they would not convert to Christianity.
If we are going to be so caught up and worried about any collateral damage as a result of any military action, then we better destroy all our military weapons and discharge all our military personnel and give up the fight or any other military action in the future. Come on people - it is impossible to fight a war - no matter how limited, without mistakes and collateral damage.
Actually, the drone attack was successful in destroying Al Qaeda terrorists and the President and our military should be congratulated instead of being condemned.
Again CNN is emphasizing all day long of how awful these drone strikes are and how they cause great anti-American sentiment. Well, let me tell you, if we used fighter and bomber jets, there would be a lot more collateral damage. Again, it is impossible to fight a perfectly clean war. This thing is being blown way out of proportion. We better be careful -- because all the fuss we are making will give Al Qaeda the inspiration to kidnap many other Americans and allied persons and station them with every important Al Qaeda leader so we will be afraid to attack them.
Last edited by JimmyBear (4/23/2015 10:48 am)
I know that we both agree than any human loss of life is a tragedy, but I too agree that sometimes it seems there are underlying agendas in the media presentations relating to different loss of life situations.
Every time I see some clown on TV gushing about "Surgical strikes", "Smart Bombs", etc, and suggesting that war can somehow be made bloodless, I am reminded of the words of General Sherman.
"War is cruelty. There is no refining it."