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4/22/2015 9:16 am  #1

Congress Should Try to Kill the Iran Deal Now

 Congress Should Try to Kill the Iran Deal Now

Read the full story here:

We thought we had a bad deal with Iran; then it looked like we didn’t really have a deal at all. Now it appears President Obama is doing everything he can to make whatever we have worse. The interim agreement supposedly reached at the beginning of April gave the Iranians a great deal of concessions the U.S. had suggested were off the table. But it left a number of issues still unresolved. There was no public agreed-upon text, just fact sheets released by the respective sides, and the gaps between them are substantial.It was unclear, for instance, whether the signing of a final deal will trigger immediate, and maybe even complete, sanctions relief. Iran said that was the plan, while the White House said sanctions should be phased out. But then, last Friday, President Obama suggested the U.S. would allow substantial immediate sanctions relief — some $50 billion worth, potentially — on the day a final deal is signed. In return, he insisted, the sanctions will be “snapped back” if Iran is caught cheating. Yet that is hardly sufficient: Russia and China are known to be wary of a snapback policy, and a punishing sanctions regime can’t be reconstructed quickly or unilaterally.


Last edited by Common Sense (4/22/2015 9:17 am)

 “We hold these truths to be self-evident,”  former vice president Biden said during a campaign event in Texas on Monday. "All men and women created by — you know, you know, the thing.”


4/22/2015 9:24 am  #2

Re: Congress Should Try to Kill the Iran Deal Now

Do the folks at National review think that the Iranians will sign an agreement whereby they give up a nuclear arms program,,,,,,,,and get nothing in return?
Why would they do that?
If all of the sanctions remain in place whether they continue an arms program or not, why on earth would they give up on developing the nukes?

I guess I'm missing something here.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

4/22/2015 12:07 pm  #3

Re: Congress Should Try to Kill the Iran Deal Now

Quick question -- I have always thought that the EU partners in these negotiations (Germany, UK, France) have a much bigger stake in an agreement due to their geographical proximity to Iran. 

If the U.S. Congress were to vote against the agreement, could the agreement move forward with the support of the EU, Russia, and China?

In other words, do we really need to have our stamp on it if the other want it to happen?

I think you're going to see a lot of different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. - President Donald J. Trump

4/22/2015 12:52 pm  #4

Re: Congress Should Try to Kill the Iran Deal Now

Good question.
I would presume that, if we weren't a party to the agreement that US sanctions would remain in place. With the size of our economy and the pressure that we can assert on banks and businesses, that these sanctions would be tough.

I think that the UN sanctions were imposed by the Security council, so I am thinking that the US could veto any resolution dropping the sanctions.

There are also some sanctions imposed by the EU. As a major trading partner we'd probably have influence over them as well.

So, I'm thinking that, if the US doesn't go along, this thing collapses.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

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