Finns ruthlessly mock Trump’s claims they ‘take care of the floors’ of forests
Pyry Luminen
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Just an ordinary day in the Finnish forest ~
Ihan normipäivä suomalaisessa metsässä #Trump #forest #firesafety #raking #forestry #Finland #Finnish #CaliforniaFire #RakingAmericaGreatAgain #rakingtheforest #Suomi #haravointi #metsäpalot #rakingleaves
Last edited by Goose (11/19/2018 6:53 am)
I’m waiting for Trump to declare that he has a plan to deal with the forest fires in California and the caravan of diseased, criminal, drug mules attacking our southern border: issue each illegal alien a rake and truck them to the California forests.
The sadder thing is .... his goobers BELIEVE him !!
I’m waiting for Trump to declare that he has a plan to deal with the forest fires in California and the caravan of diseased, criminal, drug mules attacking our southern border: issue each illegal alien a rake and truck them to the California forests. - rongone
Whoa, whoa, whoa, rongone! Next you'll be saying those immigrants in the caravan are taking away those swell tomato, fruit picking and chicken slaughter house jobs away from hard-working patriotic Americans. For shame. for shame!