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4/21/2015 7:33 am  #1

The Kochs have ordained the next president of the United States

And the winner is . . .

REPORT: One of the Koch brothers just revealed which Republican 2016 candidate they support

.Scott Walker
(Reuters)Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R).Two of the most prominent and influential megadonors in the Republican Party reportedly have picked their man in the 2016 presidential race: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R).
According to The New York Times, David Koch told a Monday gathering of GOP donors that he and his fellow billionaire brother, Charles Koch, want Walker in the White House.

"We will support whoever the candidate is," Koch said at the Manhattan event, according to Times reporter Nick Confessore's sources. "But it should be Scott Walker."

The Koch brothers are two of the most free-spending donors in American politics, and they have a vast network of rich allies to help fund their various political organizations. Indeed, they reportedly plan on spending close to $1 billion in 2016, and liberals have long sought to make them the face of a broken campaign finance system.

Several Republican candidates were also thought to be aggressively pursuing the Kochs' support. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Kentucky), Marco Rubio (R-Florida), and Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) all joined Walker at a Koch donor confab in January.

Their support might not be a complete gamechanger for Walker, however. The Times reported that David Koch said his family might personally contribute to Walker's campaign, but their organizational network would remain neutral until a Republican nominee emerges from the primary.

"Koch suggested that the political organizations they oversee — which include Americans for Prosperity, a grass-roots organization, and Freedom Partners, a donor trade group with an affiliated super PAC — would not intervene in the Republican primary process on behalf of a single candidate," Confessore wrote.

A spokesperson for Walker, who has still not formally announced his 2016 campaign, did not immediately return a request for comment from Business Insider.


4/21/2015 7:52 am  #2

Re: The Kochs have ordained the next president of the United States

 My guess is that Walker is beyond happy for the support of David Koch!
But it’s not completely good news for him.
“The Times reported that David Koch said his family might personally contribute to Walker's campaign, but their organizational network would remain neutral until a Republican nominee emerges from the primary.”
I know for the left the Koch brothers are the bad guys in this equation.
But are you saying there is no big money behind Clinton?  

 “We hold these truths to be self-evident,”  former vice president Biden said during a campaign event in Texas on Monday. "All men and women created by — you know, you know, the thing.”


4/21/2015 7:58 am  #3

Re: The Kochs have ordained the next president of the United States

There is big money in politics ... who knew ! 

"Do not confuse motion and progress, A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress"

4/21/2015 8:09 am  #4

Re: The Kochs have ordained the next president of the United States

Didn't common start a thread expressing disappointment at the huge money behind chuck schumer?
So, is big money good, bad, or it depends on which team is getting it?

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

4/21/2015 8:48 am  #5

Re: The Kochs have ordained the next president of the United States

Common Sense wrote:

 My guess is that Walker is beyond happy for the support of David Koch!
But it’s not completely good news for him.
“The Times reported that David Koch said his family might personally contribute to Walker's campaign, but their organizational network would remain neutral until a Republican nominee emerges from the primary.”
I know for the left the Koch brothers are the bad guys in this equation.
But are you saying there is no big money behind Clinton?  


From my perspective, the obscene amount of money spent by individuals, groups, PACS, Super PACS, corporations, unions, lobbyists, etc., on political campaigns and elections is one of the worst things that has happened to our election process. I believe it destroys the essence of free elections in our representative republic. Party affiliations do not influence my opinion on this subject. I think I have been quite clear on that in many previous posts. I hope this clarifies any misconception you may have inferred as to my position on this subject.

     Thread Starter

4/21/2015 8:52 am  #6

Re: The Kochs have ordained the next president of the United States

Common Sense wrote:

But are you saying there is no big money behind Clinton?  

No, he isn't.
Any other questions?

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

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