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8/24/2018 4:06 pm  #1

Just a few accomplishments of the Trump adminstration!

An open letter to The Boston Globe and media outlets that authored coordinated editorials about President Trump:
President John Adams once wrote, “The liberty of the press is essential to the security of freedom.” We at America First couldn’t agree more. A free press is a bedrock of a democratic society. It is at the heart of our constitutional rights. But with liberty comes responsibility—the responsibility to report information accurately and fairly. Unfortunately, too many times, the media have failed to live up to their responsibility.
The Trump administration and just a few of the many accomplishments in a short time!
Almost 4 million new jobs have been created since President Trump’s election.

African-American, Hispanic-American, and Asian-American unemployment rates have all recently reached the lowest levels in history.

Women’s unemployment rate has reached the lowest level in 65 years.

Veterans’ unemployment rate recently reached its lowest level in nearly 20 years.

The unemployment rate for Americans without high school diplomas is at the lowest level ever recorded, and the Trump administration’s new workforce initiative will deliver job-training to more than 4 million Americans.

Manufacturing jobs are being created at the fastest pace in over three decades.

Nearly half-a-million manufacturing jobs have been created since the president took office. In the month of July alone, nearly 40,000 new manufacturing jobs were added.

Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since President Trump’s election.

The president crafted the largest tax cut in a generation, which led to savings for more than 80 percent of households and pay raises and bonuses for 4 million American workers.

President Trump protected American taxpayers by asking Congress to rescind $15.4 billion in unused appropriations.

The president has hired/nominated an impressive number of women to senior positions in his administration, including the first female director of the CIA, Gina Haspel.

He’s appointed one Supreme Court justices, and the Senate has now confirmed 26 appellate court judges of his choosing, as well as Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. (One more in progress)

He successfully negotiated the return of four American hostages in one month’s time.

President Trump’s Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Action has exceeded the 2:1 mandate, eliminating 22 job-killing regulations for every one new regulatory action.

President Trump signed the “Right to Try” Act to give terminally ill patients a chance to try lifesaving treatments.

The Department of Homeland Security arrested 796 MS-13 gang members and associates in FY 2017, an 83 percent increase from the previous year.

The president signed the VA Mission Act, which allows veterans who don’t live near a VA facility or can’t get an appointment in a timely manner to seek medical care from private health-care providers.

Signed the National Defense Authorization Act, which provides an $82 billion funding increase for the Department of Defense over the current period, including a $617 billion Pentagon budget, $22 billion for the nuclear weapons program and $69 billion for U.S. military efforts abroad, as well as new tanks, ships, and planes. The package includes a salary boost for service members, about a 2.6 percent raise—the biggest military pay raise in nearly a decade.


 “We hold these truths to be self-evident,”  former vice president Biden said during a campaign event in Texas on Monday. "All men and women created by — you know, you know, the thing.”


8/24/2018 4:30 pm  #2

Re: Just a few accomplishments of the Trump adminstration!

I guess that this is part of the economy is doing well so you can't impeach me argument?
A noble effort at changing the subject!

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

8/24/2018 4:34 pm  #3

Re: Just a few accomplishments of the Trump adminstration!

You forgot that "he hired only the best people". 

"Do not confuse motion and progress, A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress"

8/24/2018 4:34 pm  #4

Re: Just a few accomplishments of the Trump adminstration!

Also forgot 'Record number of associates convicted' milestone.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

8/24/2018 5:20 pm  #5

Re: Just a few accomplishments of the Trump adminstration!

Goose wrote:

Also forgot 'Record number of associates convicted' milestone.

Those WERE his "best people" ! 

"Do not confuse motion and progress, A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress"

8/25/2018 8:10 am  #6

Re: Just a few accomplishments of the Trump adminstration!

It's ok to point out some positive statistics, but sometimes stats don't tell the whole story.  First of all, the economy has been growing since 2009 and continues during the first year of the Trump administration.  Taking credit for the whole thing is a bit much.

Here's a couple examples that tell a more complete story from my personal experience:

When it comes to positive unemployment data, my wife worked for a restaurant chain until last year.  She was employed full-time.  She was replaced by 2 part-time workers.  Red Lobster actually made out since they didn't have to apply benefits, etc.  However, they boasted they increased the number of jobs and helped lower the unemployment rate.  They didn't lie, but didn't tell the whole story.

Another one:  My son-in-law is a regional manager for Verizon.  He did receive a bonus this past year.  According to the data you presented, he was one of those 4 million recipients.  However, even though Verizon gave him a bonus, they reduced his commission.  He actually makes less money now than before he was awarded a bonus.

Just 2 examples from my own experience.  I'm sure others could offer more.  Anyway, be aware that statistics may not offer the whole story.  It's sometimes necessary to look deeper.

Finally, to me, the ever expanding wage gap is a much bigger issue that needs to be addressed.  It began during the Reagan administration with that 'Trickle Down' scam and continued through every administration since, including Trump's.


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