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4/20/2015 8:25 am  #1

Hillary's Shelved Crown

On balance I think that Clinton’s rollout, an oxymoronic wonder of planned spontaneity and engineered authenticity, was successful if unsubtle.

Hillary’s Shelved Crown
APRIL 18, 2015
 Frank Bruni

THE 2016 presidential campaign is only now gathering steam and already I’m confused.

For starters, Hillary Clinton says she’s focusing on “everyday Americans.” Which of the nation’s voters don’t fall into that category? Are there voters who are Zimbabweans on Wednesdays? Costa Ricans on Saturdays? Voters who relinquish their citizenship on months beginning with the letter J?

“Everyday Americans” specifically included “everyday Iowans” when Clinton traveled across the heartland in her Scooby van with Huma Abedin, who clings to her so tightly that their relationship could be called marsupial. The duo stopped at a Chipotle near Toledo, Ohio, for a burrito bowl, which is an everyday meal. At another point, Clinton suggested a fondness for bowling, which is an everyday sport.

By “everyday” she obviously means “ordinary,” “regular,” “run-of-the-mill.” She’s euphemizing averageness. And she’s playing to the plaint among many Americans that the rich have their government perks and the poor their government handouts but the larger number of people in the middle have nothing but rents and mortgages and tuition and health care premiums that they struggle to pay.

But is “everyday” a signifier that a voter really craves and feels complimented by? Is it the ideal epithet? You, kind sir, are utterly unexceptional and thus have my devotion. You, dear madam, recede into the cornfields, unnoticed and unnoticeable, but I will find and meet you among the stalks. Maybe we’ll split a burrito bowl.

On balance I think that Clinton’s rollout, an oxymoronic wonder of planned spontaneity and engineered authenticity, was successful if unsubtle.

What she needed most was to take the bejeweled crown off her head and put it on a shelf, and it didn’t ultimately matter if she appeared to be saying, or even shouting, “Look, America, I’m taking the bejeweled crown off my head and putting it on a shelf! I’m driving the distance to Des Moines, for heaven’s sake! I’ll walk if you insist!” One way or another, the un-coronation had to commence. And so it did, with an announcement video in which she barely appeared, the afterthought rather than the cynosure, and a road trip in a vehicle seemingly plucked from a cartoon.

“After 25 years in the public eye, Mrs. Clinton has suddenly developed the capacity to surprise,” wrote Patrick Healy and Maggie Haberman in The Times. That, readers, is called winning the week.

Contrast the manner in which Clinton navigated the days following the announcement of her presidential candidacy with the manner in which Rand Paul navigated the days following the announcement of his.

I’m not sure I’ve ever beheld a debut so confounding, because he was entirely unprepared or unwilling to field the foreign-policy flip-flop questions that he was certain to get — and that were warranted. And rather than project gameness for an inevitably grueling process, he radiated resentment: How dare you grill me about my past. What nerve to ask questions I dislike.

In general I find our presidential races gratuitously long and excessively crammed with rituals and gamesmanship that have nothing to do with anyone’s fitness to govern, but there’s an upside: In the crucible of the campaign, a candidate’s true temperament is revealed.

And Paul’s is all wrong, an unsavory amalgam of insouciance, arrogance and irascibility. If he can’t bear up under a justly (and only modestly) combative interrogation by Savannah Guthrie on the “Today” show, how could he possibly survive the general-election onslaught from a Clinton war room, if she nabbed her party’s nomination and he (somehow, God help us) nabbed his?

Marco Rubio is a much better wager for Republicans, even if he looks, physically, like he might be ready for the presidency in ... 2028. While other politicians try to figure out how to smooth their faces without too glaring an intervention, he has to figure out how to wizen his. He’s the field’s dermatological dissident.

But that’s not the central riddle of his pitch. This is: He’s auditioning to replace Barack Obama and reverse Obama’s policies, but with a strikingly similar rationale.

He’s saying that he brings the fresh perspective of a new generation. That he’s tomorrow, not yesterday. That what he lacks in maturity, he makes up for in upbeat oratory and skills as a communicator. That he’s a symbol and signal of a changing America. That he’d set an important precedent: the first Hispanic presidential nominee for a major party, just as Obama was the first black one.

“Are you our Obama?” he was asked, succinctly and point-blank, by the Republican strategist and foreign policy adviser Dan Senor during a private question-and-answer session with potential donors in New York City recently.

Unlike Paul, Rubio had clearly rehearsed for the trickier queries that would come his way, including this one. According to someone at the event, he said that the issue with Obama wasn’t his greenness coming into office. It was his priorities and decisions once he got there. Rubio also noted that he has spent more time in the United States Senate than Obama had in 2008 and that his previous legislative career in Florida was longer and more prominent than Obama’s in Illinois.

Rubio is dexterous with his remarks and with the news media. That was the main takeaway from his own rollout last week, and it was a hallmark, also, of the months leading up to it. When Scott Walker couldn’t muster a nimble, sensible response to Rudy Giuliani’s dig that Obama didn’t love America, Rubio told a television reporter this:

“I don’t feel like I’m in a position to have to answer for every person in my party that makes a claim. Democrats aren’t asked to answer every time Joe Biden says something embarrassing, so I don’t know why I should answer every time a Republican does. I’ll suffice it to say that I believe the president loves America; I think his ideas are bad.”

Those words had probably been formulated in advance, but as the respectful reception of Clinton last week demonstrated, Americans tend not to give candidates too many demerits for being scripted, because developing the right script reflects qualities we want in a leader: discipline, meticulousness, even a certain modesty.

Clinton was attempting to convey all of those. The transparency of the effort didn’t nullify it. And while she can’t erase all that time in private jets bound for lucrative speeches, the hours in a Scooby van bound for Chipotle are nonetheless an exercise in obeisance, a proclamation to Americans: You told me how I’ve erred, I’m showing you that I’ve heard.

It’s a bit of groveling, garnished with guacamole.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

4/20/2015 8:37 am  #2

Re: Hillary's Shelved Crown

I'm not sure which Hillary campaign Mr. Bruni was watching last week. The one I saw was unsurprising and shoulder-shrugging and only was only interesting in terms being able to laugh at the media for writing 1,000 word articles on Hillary's trip to Chipotle, Sean Hannity's standard tripe, and somehow, the New York Times declaring that Hillary Clinton is "surprising" people.

This is going to be a long 18 months.

I think you're going to see a lot of different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. - President Donald J. Trump

4/20/2015 9:13 am  #3

Re: Hillary's Shelved Crown

Yep.  Very long 18 months.  Hoping here that the Chipotle video is soon lost and forgotten and doesn't become the highlight of Hillary's campaign.


4/20/2015 9:13 am  #4

Re: Hillary's Shelved Crown

Even when there is really nothing to write about, journalist have to come up with something. 

"Do not confuse motion and progress, A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress"

4/20/2015 9:41 am  #5

Re: Hillary's Shelved Crown

I wonder when Hillary is going to speak to the press.
Seems like even a college newspaper can't get an interview.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 
     Thread Starter

4/20/2015 10:08 am  #6

Re: Hillary's Shelved Crown

Goose wrote:

I wonder when Hillary is going to speak to the press.
Seems like even a college newspaper can't get an interview.

I suspect that after the e-mail press conference, the interactions with the press are going to be very limited. Expect the morning show tour (Today, GMA, etc.) and a 60 Minutes interview, but I don't see her doing a lot of one-on-ones with local or national newspapers, tv stations, or cable news. And it will all be spun as she's connecting with the people directly rather than through the biased lens of the mainstream media.

I think you're going to see a lot of different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. - President Donald J. Trump

4/20/2015 1:55 pm  #7

Re: Hillary's Shelved Crown

Goose wrote:

I wonder when Hillary is going to speak to the press.
Seems like even a college newspaper can't get an interview.

Here's another answer to your question.......

Hillary Clinton 2.0: Low-Key Now, Exciting Later

I think you're going to see a lot of different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. - President Donald J. Trump

4/20/2015 2:24 pm  #8

Re: Hillary's Shelved Crown

TheLagerLad wrote:

Goose wrote:

I wonder when Hillary is going to speak to the press.
Seems like even a college newspaper can't get an interview.

Here's another answer to your question.......

Hillary Clinton 2.0: Low-Key Now, Exciting Later

Interesting. It might be a good strategy.
The GOP field is crowded. Those guys have to get known, and get funded in a hurry. 
Clinton does not have such problems. She may be thinking that only political junkies and the 24 hr gotcha cycle is paying attention to the race right now. Might be better to be low key at present.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 
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