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4/20/2015 7:08 am  #1

Bring on the cash!

I figure this ties in to our "money in politics" discussions.

Today's Marco Rubio news:Norman Braman, an 82-year-old self-made billionaire and former Philadelphia Eagles owner, is considering spending up to $25 million -- or more -- to help Marco Rubio's presidential candidacy. Braman not only likes Rubio, but he also disdains the past actions of the other Florida-based presidential hopeful, Jeb Bush. As governor, Bush vetoed state funds that had been allocated for the Braman Breast Cancer Institute: Politico.

Ties between Marco Rubio and fellow Floridian Jeb Bush, political allies for more than a decade, are fraying as each pursues the GOP nomination. The two don't criticize one another directly, but below the surface, the battles have begun: Miami Herald.

Marco Rubio is heading to Texas to raise money. The state has its own presidential contenders -- Ted Cruz and Rick Perry, plus Kentucky U.S. Sen. Rand Paul grew up there. But Texas is big and has deep pockets: San Antonio Express-News.

Last edited by Just Fred (4/20/2015 7:08 am)


4/20/2015 7:33 am  #2

Re: Bring on the cash!

Today I learned Norman Braman is still alive. I really had no idea. 

Each of the major candidates is going to have thier own backer, either early on in the primary fight or once thier nomination has been sealed. 

I think you're going to see a lot of different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. - President Donald J. Trump

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