Alan Dershowitz goes to Fox to complain that the other kids on the Vineyard don't want him at their cocktail parties anymore.
This is a degree of self absorption and whining that is breathtaking.
Alan Dershowitz slams Martha's Vineyard liberals for 'shunning' him over Trump defense
Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz said last week that his defense of President Donald Trump’s constitutional rights led to him being “shunned” by his own friends at a high-end seasonal destination.
The famed lawyer lamented the efforts to eject him from his social life at Martha’s Vineyard amid his outspoken criticism of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the alleged collusion with Russia.
In an op-ed for The Hill, Dershowitz, a frequent guest on Fox News, said that though he’s politically a liberal Democrat who voted for Hillary Clinton in addition to contributing “handsomely” to her campaign, his defense of civil liberties that could benefit Trump is too much to swallow for his social circle.
Ok, so now we are going claim victim-hood because some of your friends don't invite you to a cocktail party? Maybe he should sue people who don't want to be his friend anymore.
My favorite line.
You can't make this stuff up.
"I never thought I would see McCarthyism come to Martha’s Vineyard, but I have".
Allan Dershowitz
Shuning ? Must be part of the liberal Amish clan at Martha's vineyard --- LOL !