We should talk.
A white man is arrested with a loaded gun, wearing body armor.
No one gets hurt.
But a black man, 'armed' only with a cell phone is shot twenty times in his grandparents yard.
I mean, I'm not sayin', but FFS.
Man Wearing Body Armor With Loaded Gun Arrested in Chicago
CHICAGO — A man with a loaded handgun, wearing a bullet proof vest and carrying a bag of SWAT equipment authorities believe was stolen from New York City police has been arrested at Chicago's busiest train station.
Chicago police say 21-year-old Isaiah Malailua was arrested Friday morning at a Union Station ticket counter and charged with unlawful use of a weapon for wearing body armor.
20 Shots in Sacramento: Stephon Clark Killing Reignites a Furor
SACRAMENTO — Two police officers, 10 minutes, 20 bullets. Another young black man dead, this time in his grandmother’s backyard in California’s capital.
In the 10 days since Stephon Clark, 22, was fatally shot by officers investigating a vandalism complaint in his south Sacramento neighborhood, protesters have stormed City Hall and taken to the streets in anger. In a city that is mostly white and Latino, the killing, they say, is a sign of a police force that treats black residents with disdain and unfairly targets their neighborhoods.
Questions about excessive force hover over the case. A police helicopter was sent to a routine call. Officers fired 20 times at Mr. Clark. The police have also been accused of not giving Mr. Clark, who was unarmed, enough time to put his hands up and of waiting too long to call for medical help.
Adding to the scrutiny is the fact that the police muted their body cameras in the minutes after the shooting and can be seen on camera talking animatedly while Mr. Clark lay dead on the ground.