The Accidental Dictator
Nobody thought he would win. Even HE didn't think that he would win. It was all a branding exercise.
He did nothing in his life to prepare for the job, either before or after winning it.
When he took the job it quickly became obvious that he has no aptitude for, or understanding of, the office that he holds.
He signs inconsequential Orders and then holds them up as if they were the pronouncements of Charlemagne.
His spokesmen proclaim that his powers "Shall not be questioned".
He had House republicans pass an awful healthcare bill that may end their careers, simply to use them as props in a photo op.
He demanded an oath of personal loyalty from the Director of the FBI. When he didn't get it. the Director became a dead man walking.
He fired the man who is conducting a lawful investigation of him.
Fired him to end an investigation. Fired him in a way designed to cause maximum humiliation.
He muses about the constitution being archaic, and about abolishing the courts.
Those who are loyal to him, he simply consumes. Conway and Spicer were once respected people. Huckabee-Sanders an unknown. Since swearing allegiance to him, He has sent them out as cannon fodder, and required them to tell the most transparent lies and to destroy their own credibility and reputation forever.
He has attacked the very idea of a free press, and trafficked in lies and propaganda to a degree never seen before.
He has encouraged violence against dissenters at rallies.
He continues, months after his victory to hold campaign rallies.
He has fed into xenophobia and racism, simply to acquire power.
Let's face it right now:
The American people have entrusted a dictator with the highest office of a constitutional federal republic.
This simply is NOT going to work. It is an untenable situation.
As his actions become ever more outrageous, he makes less and less effort to even lie artfully, we have reached a crossroads.
This is the beginning of the end.
The only question is; Is it the end of the Trump Presidency, or the end of the Republic as we know it?
Last edited by Goose (5/12/2017 7:20 am)
Well, said. The whole mess in a nutshell.
And, I still don't get this fascination with authoritarian leadership. It's as if the people who voted for and support him are saying to the rest of us, "Well, we tried democracy for the last couple hundred years, it has problems we can't fix, so we're ready for another approach to governance."
And unfortunately now he is our POTUS.