Jesse's crude innuendo is getting all the attention. And, the irony of a guy maybe making a penis joke seconds after saying that others don't respect women is not lost on me.
But, his really stupid statement at the beginning is what is noteworthy. Ivanka Trump was speaking at a forum in Munich Germany and stated that the President supports women and families. There were audible groans and hisses from the audience.
Jessie chimes in, "It's funny how The Left says they respect women, but when given an opportunity to respect a woman like this they boo and hiss".
Excuse me, A few issues.
That must have been a really, really big lecture hall in Munich to accommodate the entire left. And how did they fly all those lefties to Germany. Hey, I didn't get a ticket!
I hear a few people groan and hiss, how does that pertain to the left?
Also, if a handful of people booed Hillary Clinton, would that mean that The Right doesn't respect women?
If you boo a speaker who happens to be male, does that mean that you don't respect men?
This guy is an idiot.
Fox News reporter defends complimenting Ivanka's microphone handling skills
Fox News reporter Jesse Watters on Wednesday defended his comment about Ivanka Trump's microphone handling skills, stating that it was "in no way" a joke about something else.
"On air I was referring to Ivanka's voice and how it resonates like a smooth jazz radio DJ. This was in no way a joke about anything else," Watters tweeted on Wednesday.
Watters came under fire on Tuesday after complimenting President Trump's daughter on the manner in which she spoke into the microphone during her public appearance in Berlin, Germany.
Last edited by Goose (4/26/2017 10:04 am)
Jesse Watters thinks he is clever and funny.
In reality he is a nothing more than an ambush interviewer that spends a lot of time editing his blocks to emphasize his point of view and make his target look foolish.
I can't believe anybody would provide him with airtime to spew his nonsense.
You may remember from late last year, Watters caught some flakfor what many considered a racist piece on Asian-Americans.
To the best of my recollection, there wasn't an apology from Watters or FNC for it.
Watters makes an off-color remark about Ivanka Trump......almost immediate apology.
I wonder why?
Just more of the Fox garbage.
They actually have just a few reputable newscasters, but once you get past those few, pretty much a total waste of time.
Conservative Fox 'news' apparently has a very liberal vacation policy. First Bill-O, now his mini-me Jesse Watters decide to take an unannounced 'vacation' after some adolescent misogynistic comments and actions.
Fox must be a wonderful place to work . . . Especially if you are a guy.
Fox News' Jesse Watters takes abrupt vacation after controversial remarks about Ivanka Trump
Fox News' Jesse Watters reportedly is taking a vacation, one day after making what some saw as suggestive remarks about Ivanka Trump.
CNN's Brian Stelter and the CNNMoney media team reported on Wednesday that Watters, who is a cohost of "The Five," would miss two days of his first week in the show's 9 p.m. time slot.
"I'm going to be taking a vacation with my family, so I'm not going to be here tomorrow," Watters said on Wednesday night's show. "I'll be back on Monday, so don't miss me too much."
On a Tuesday night segment about Trump's appearance at a women's empowerment summit, Watters commented on the way she held a microphone.
"It's funny, the left says they really respect women, and then when given an opportunity to respect a woman like that, they boo and hiss," he said. "So I don't really get what's going on here, but I really liked how she was speaking into that microphone."
On Wednesday morning, Watters denied accusations that his comment carried lewd overtones.
"On air I was referring to Ivanka's voice and how it resonates like a smooth jazz radio DJ," Watters tweeted. "This was in no way a joke about anything else."
Watters has in the past made controversial remarks. During the 2016 presidential election, he was accused of racially stereotyping Asian-Americans in a TV segment in which he asked them whether it was the "year of the dragon" and whether they knew karate.