Exclusive: Two other Trump advisers also spoke with Russian envoy during GOP convention
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is not the only member of President Trump’s campaign who spoke to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at a diplomacy conference connected to the Republican National Convention in July.
At least two more members of the Trump campaign’s national security officials also spoke with Kislyak at the event, and several more Trump national security advisers were in attendance.It's unknown what the Trump campaign officials who spoke with the ambassador – J.D. Gordon and Carter Page – discussed with him.
Those who took part in the events in Cleveland said it is not unusual for presidential campaign teams to interact with diplomats.
However, the newly-revealed communications further contradict months of repeated denials by Trump officials that his campaign had contact with officials representing the Russian government.
Last edited by Goose (3/03/2017 10:08 am)
They actually could have gotten in FRONT of this whole thing with transparency from the start, but the drip, drip, drip has now caused this to be the story that will not go away.
Yes if all of these contacts were reasonable and legitimate why did they deny that they occurred ?