Fox 'news' dug up some information to show that our kids got more stupid in math and reading in the 2015 PISA study and blamed it on Obama.
I'm sure that our kids and our schools will become exceptional over the next 4 years due to the leadership of our new secretary of education, Betsy DeViod . . . Errrrr I mean, DeVos. Hopefully, she'll engineer a complete overhaul of our school systems by eliminating public schools altogether and expanding private and charter schools for those who can afford it. You are aware, of course, that all the administrators and teachers at those schools are fully trained and duly certified as professional educators to provide the highest level of education . . . Right ? ? ?
America's kids got more stupid in reading, math and science while Team Obama was in charge
Todd Starnes Published February 09, 2017
American school kids became more stupid under the Obama administration, according to rankings released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
They recently released the results of a worldwide exam administered every three years to 15-year-olds in 72 countries. The exam monitors reading, math and science knowledge.
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Based on their findings, the United States saw an 11-point drop in math scores and nearly flat levels for reading and science.
The Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, fell below the OECD average – and failed to crack the top ten in all three categories.
In other words, thanks to the Obama administration’s education policies, kids in the Slovac Republic are more proficient in multiplication.
In fairness, American teenagers may not know long form division - but by golly they know their non-binary gender pronouns. Yes sir, they do!
But you can't blame the kids for being dumb as rocks.
Instead of aspiring to greatness, public schools across the fruited plain are programming kids to be mediocre.
It doesn't matter if Little Johnny thinks five plus four is 12.
Modern-day classrooms are safe spaces where everybody’s a winner – everybody gets a gold star.
There's just one problem with that philosophy. When Little Johnny becomes Big Johnny he's going to be living off the taxpayer dime.
And good luck making change down at the Piggly Wiggly.
Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary, heard on hundreds of radio stations. His latest book is “The Deplorables’ Guide to Making America Great Again.” Follow Todd on Twitter @ToddStarnes and find him on Facebook.
It's going to be an interesting 4 years.
Long after Obama lies safely in his grave people will continue to say it's Obama's fault!
What a pile of bullshit. I don't where to start, but I will say this: America needs to make education a national priority from the top down .......... and I'm referring to public education.
Let me relate to this from a former public school educator:
It was parent's night. From a group of 23 kids I had in this particular class, I'm guessing about 8 or 10 parents showed up. Ok, fine. As the parents filed into my room, one of them bowed to me. It was the father of a Japanese student I had. I told him he didn't have to do that. His response was (and I'll never forget this), "Yes I do. You make all professions possible."
Think about that in terms how two different cultures view the education of their young people.
Later I learned this from a fellow teacher who spent a year in Japan. She told me that teachers are some of the most highly respected people in Japanese culture. Compare that to what I've heard in the USA over and over again ........ "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."
Until we commit to making public education a high national priority, we will keep stumbling down the same road and privatizing the institutions will only make it worse.
Last edited by Just Fred (2/09/2017 6:32 pm)