Russia is attacking Ukraine again.
Mike Pence is "watching".
Donald Trump is defending Putin's murders.
In an interview on “This Week,” Vice President Mike Pence responded to new Russian aggression in Ukraine, saying, “We’re watching and very troubled by the increased hostilities.”
Asked by ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos if President Donald Trump talked about that concern with Russian President Vladimir Putin in their phone call last weekend, Pence would not say. But he revealed that the two leaders did discuss the crisis in Ukraine, which the White House had not mentioned in its official readout of the call.
“Those conversations are going to be ongoing,” the vice president said on “This Week” Sunday.
The vice president seemed to strike a different tone on Russia than the president, who told Fox News in an interview set to air prior to the Super Bowl on Sunday that he respects Putin.
"I do respect him," Trump told Fox News’ Bill O'Reilly.
When O'Reilly said, "Putin is a killer," Trump responded, "A lot of killers. We got a lot of killers. What, you think our country's so innocent?"
Pence said on ABC's "This Week" that Trump has brought a “new style of leadership” to the White House, adding that he believes world leaders are taking notice and finding it “refreshing.”
And our UN ambassador issues yet another viewpoint.
Nikki must think she's working for Obama.
The new U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley seemed to take a firm anti-Russian stance on Thursday, as she condemned Moscow for its geopolitical maneuver in Ukraine.
"I must condemn the aggressive actions of Russia. It is unfortunate because it is a replay of far too many instances over many years in which Unites States representatives have needed to do that. It should not have to be that way," Haley said in her address to the U.N.
The time has come to ask "Why?"
Why has Donald Trump chosen to get into bed with Putin?
It's one of the few positions that Trump has taken AND been consistent about.
He may change on Obamacare, draining the swamp, etc. But he always stays a fan of Putin.
He ALWAYS defends a man who is antithetical to American values. Why?
Does Trump want to emulate Putin and become a dictator?
Does Putin have some damaging information that he's holding over his head?
Last edited by Goose (2/06/2017 9:06 am)
We live in a NEW upside-down world !
I wouldn't be the least bit surprsed to find that Trump and Putin discussed this beforehand.