There are two eggs. This eagle has been very busy this afternoon. It stood up for a few minutes baring the two eggs and later it left the nest exposing the eggs to the cold. It returned several minutes later with its dinner--not too visible but her eating was! She eventually sat back down on the eggs and spent several minutes packing more materials around the nest. Fun to watch today. I took several photos and wish I could post them here.
Last edited by flowergirl (2/18/2015 4:39 pm)
Kudos to the Pennsylvania Game Commission for developing this webcam site. This was money well spent. This particular webcam has created a wonderful upsurge of interest and appreciation for the wildlife of Pennsylvania. This webcam has stirred much interest in the community, state and nation. It has sparked stories, commentaries and editorials on televison news and lin ocal newspapers. Recently I saw the male and female switching jobs and the two eggs were very visible. What a winderful thing! It would be really neat to have the Game Commission install other live webcam stations revealing the habitats of some of the other birds and mammals native to Pennsylvania. Although it is probably very difficult to locate and remain at the site of many of our mammals because they move around a lot. It would it be neat to have a live webcam of a beaver and its dam, or the den of the elusive mammal called the Fisher, or the red or gray fox, or a porcupine, or a weasel, or even the common skunk or groundhog. I wish to commend the Pennsylvania Game Commission for this exceptional project. It is doing so much to get young and old, alike, to become interested in our wildlife.
It may be that the camera is not working properly. The eagle has its head down on the nest and is not moving.
The baby eagle or Eagles (eaglets) watch will begin on Saturday, March 21, 2015!
Incubation is about 35 days! Good information on what will happen after they hatch.
Codorus camera: What to expect when you're expecting baby eagles What happens next?
The Heidelberg Township eagle pair incubated their two eggs for about 35 days, protecting the unhatched eaglets from record-breaking cold, a March snowstorm and at least one human intrusion.Stay up to date with the Codorus State Park eagles But the work of mama and papa eagles isn't done yet. After the eggs hatch — which is expected to happen around March 21 and 24 — they have about 80 days until their young leave the nest, said Patricia Barber, a bird biologist with the Pennsylvania Game Commission.That's when the real work starts."I think folks are in for an interesting show," Barber said.
Last edited by Common Sense (3/20/2015 10:08 am)
More interesting than the eagle at the moment is the horned owlets in Skidaway Island, near Savannah, GA. One is making an attempt to fledge but not quite there yet. The other owlet, a few days younger, is still snuggling up to its sibling or mom when she's in the nest. Both mom and her offspring enjoy meal times by swallowing mice & snakes whole! Once the eaglets are in the nest it will get much of my attention. Right now watching an eagle sitting in a nest is like watching paint dry.
Imagining this is what Mama Eagle is thinking today......
It appears an egg is hatching according to Fox 43. They showed the Eagles both standing over an egg with some gray fluff coming out of it. I tried accessing the GC site, but I suppose too many people are trying to do the same thing.
The good news: The first Eagle egg hatched today
The bad news: The baby looks like a Red Tailed Hawk
Mama has some 'splaning to do.
The interest and excitement that this webcam has created is nothing short of phenmonal! If ever the Pennsylvania Game Commission along with with various community business sponsors, did something great -- this was it. I don't think I ever recall such excitement in any Pennsylvania Wildlife endeavor in my lifetime. As I said before,the Commission should really try have other webcams of Pennsylvania's wildlife and birds.No one will ever know how much this project has helped the citizens of Pennsylvania appreciate our wildlife and how much interest it has created in preserving our wildlife. Even the fining of the reporter and the person who showed the reporter was a blessing because it taught and created greater respect for our wildlife and the laws that protect.
Try as I might, I could not get on the site yesterday.
Did anybody see the chicks?