The right wing will have fun with this one, but God forbid we discuss the pitfalls of private for-profit health insurance or pharmaceutical companies ripping us off.
To accurately assess that you need to look at a couple of things 1) where does Medicare get its funding today (ie what percentage of population are paying vs receiving) 2) even on receiving end there is a built in paying while receiving SS benefits 3) the current long term viability of Medicare itself and 4) the factors affecting health care costs whether Medicare or private insurance.
To be sure Medicare has been a boon to retirees who likely would no longer been able to afford medical insurance on their own.
That said you need to assess all the items above before coming to the conclusion that a Medicare for all (in my mind they would actually need to rename it) would be the best solution and one that all voters would be willing to accept.
P.S. I am on Medicare (Advantage Plan) and love it, but I DO have reservations in instituting a Medicare for All plan.
Last edited by tennyson (10/24/2016 7:38 pm)
I just don't see with all the issues we've seen with the ACA (higher costs, weaker coverage for many, administrative headaches) how you'd convince the majority of Americans to turn more of our national health care over to the federal government.
Here's what I am inclined to support at this point......
1) Scrap most of the ACA.
2) Expand medicare/medicaid to ensure those who cannot get insurance any other way can have basic coverage.
3) Follow the Clinton Plan to try and lower drug costs
4) Expand tax credits for Individual and Family health savings accounts
5) Allow the insurance companies go back to a true free market with a la carte health plans with minimal government regulations
Ok, then how about considering a public option. Those who don't yet qualify for medicare would have the option of buying into the program or shopping around for a private for-profit plan.
Of course, medicare recipients are being funded by those who are not yet eligible to receive benefits and those who have been paying into it for years, but in the grand scheme of things I consider healthcare to be a national priority along with national defense and education.
You would have to calculate what the Premiums would be for someone in their working years to subscribe to Medicare. If can be fairly derived, I see no problem with people in their working years buying into Medicare.
Would it save them any money? I don't know.
Remember, healthcare is very expensive, and Americans love their high tech treatments. You don't get it for nothing.
No bucks, no Buck Rogers.
Last edited by Goose (10/25/2016 7:20 am)
I just don't see with all the issues we've seen with the ACA (higher costs, weaker coverage for many, administrative headaches) how you'd convince the majority of Americans to turn more of our national health care over to the federal government. - Lager
But, that's the point. ACA is still run by private-for-profit insurance companies. Once again, in my world view, I don't think healthcare should operate as a for-profit business. I feel the same way about national defense and education.
Just Fred wrote:
Ok, then how about considering a public option. Those who don't yet qualify for medicare would have the option of buying into the program or shopping around for a private for-profit plan.
Of course, medicare recipients are being funded by those who are not yet eligible to receive benefits and those who have been paying into it for years, but in the grand scheme of things I consider healthcare to be a national priority along with national defense and education.
That is the flaw in your scheme. It would be difficult if not impossible to calculate the premium needed (and extra tax percentage required of everyone including their employers as it is today) unless and until we would decide on universal health coverage. I am not opposed to universal health coverage, but just letting people pick and choose would never work.
Just Fred wrote:
I just don't see with all the issues we've seen with the ACA (higher costs, weaker coverage for many, administrative headaches) how you'd convince the majority of Americans to turn more of our national health care over to the federal government. - Lager
But, that's the point. ACA is still run by private-for-profit insurance companies. Once again, in my world view, I don't think healthcare should operate as a for-profit business. I feel the same way about national defense and education.
That may be so, but I think you'd be hard pressed to convince the average voter that the problem with the ACA is that it involves too little government.
Just sayin'.
Just Fred wrote:
I just don't see with all the issues we've seen with the ACA (higher costs, weaker coverage for many, administrative headaches) how you'd convince the majority of Americans to turn more of our national health care over to the federal government. - Lager
But, that's the point. ACA is still run by private-for-profit insurance companies. Once again, in my world view, I don't think healthcare should operate as a for-profit business. I feel the same way about national defense and education.
But defense (Boeing/Northrup-Grumman/Honeywell) is in many cases a for-profit business. Same with education (particularly higher education)
I personally don't have a problem with health insurance being run by companies trying to make a profit per se. So long as people get a fair payout based on them paying their premiums and based on the terms and conditions they signed up for.
And I am all for having something similar to Liz Warren's consumer financial protection bureau for health insurance in an effort to keep the insurance industry honest.
What I am just not seeing is the federal government as being some sort of magic pill to solving the nation's health care needs. We're a country of 300 million people. There's no way from a cost or care perspective that you can shoehorn everyone into a one size fits all approach.
As I have stated since the ACA started. I lived it. We went from having hundreds of options for health insurance to twelve during the time we were in the ACA. And the premiums and co-pays went up and the coverage levels went down and we were paying for stuff we didn't need and wouldn't use.
Add to that that my employer based insurance costs and co-pays goes up year after year as well. Granted, it could have gone up the same without the ACA. I guess we'll never know.
Look, I supported the ACA from the outset. It was an admirable endeavor in a tough political environment. But, as Micheal Moore said last night on the Chris Hayes show, it was half baked. You either go all the way to single payer universal coverage, or not.
There is not the will of the people to get to single payer. So we can either try to tweak a system that has been shown to be broken, or give a safety net to those who can only get insurance through the ACA and let the free market work again for everyone else.
Offline Micheal Moore said last night on the Chris Hayes show, it was half baked. You either go all the way to single payer universal coverage, or not.
Ok, I'm on board with Micheal Moore on that. In fact, I believe I said that from day one of it's inception. I should add that I'm not a fan of employer-based health insurance, either.
We don't have to re-invent the wheel here. We are the only industrialized country in the world with a system like this. If our system was so swell, why haven't other countries petitioned their respective governments to switch their healthcare systems to one like we have here in America?
As far as health insurance costs rising every year, we might want to address the costs associated with healthcare from the costs of medicines to the 'non-profit' nature of hospital care. I could tell you stories about that, but that would be another topic.
I realize I'm somewhat alone here, but when I retired from my teaching career and I had to pick up the cost of health insurance on my own, it hit me like a ton of bricks when I discovered my health insurance premium for my wife and I was going to be $1040.00/month, and that was in 2003. I can't imagine what it would be today for those retiring in 2016.
Anyway, it's refreshing to be involved in a conversation discussing an issue rather than Donald Trump's latest tweets.