It's called "Hillary's America". It's another hack job by this conservative blogger, film maker, writer, AEI contributor, Fox 'news' contributor, convicted criminal, and stranger to facts. One reviewer commented that Leni Riefenstahl would be proud of this pandering propaganda film full of conspiracy theories, innuendo, and devoid of reliable factual information. The timing of the release was obviously staged to coincide with the last days of the presidential campaign.
Here is a link to the official teaser for the film:
Thank goodness for freedom of speech, but it's a shame it's wasted on the kind of garbage devised by Dinesh D'sousa.
Last edited by Rongone (9/13/2016 8:40 am)
An opportunist and distorter. Here is a glimpse of how he reports.
Can I use the word deplorable, or would that hurt the feelings of the Trumpers?
Wasn't D'sousa recently in jail?
Anyway, I don't see how this is any different that Michael Moore releasing Fahrenheit 911 a few months before the 2004 election. If you want to influence the election (and make a few bucks) there's no better time to toss the film out there.
That said, I doubt many will watch it and it will probably be a bad film with tons of factual inaccuracies and that'll be that.
"Wasn't D'sousa recently in jail?"
Yes, he was indicted and convicted of fraud.
Last edited by Rongone (9/13/2016 1:31 pm)