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8/15/2016 2:49 pm  #1

Did Sean Hannity make a Clinton win inevitable?

An absolutely delicious thought! 

Sean Hannity Should Blame Himself For Putting Hillary in the White House

It’s never a good sign when you’re 12 weeks away from an election and the biggest defenders of a candidate are distancing themselves from him and trying to pin the blame for his inevitable defeat on other people. Yet, that’s where we now are with Donald Trump. 

Trump himself is claiming that he’s doing great, but unfortunately he says, “I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged.” If Trump wins, it’s because he’s so wonderful, but if he loses – and a candidate who puts states like Georgia in play for Hillary Clinton is destined to lose – it must be rigged. 

Joe Scarborough claims he never supported Trump and even wrote a piece in the WAPO calling for Republicans to dump Trump. That’s what he says now, in AUGUST. Meanwhile, during the primaries Scarborough pushed Trump like he was related to him and even said he was open to being his Vice-President. 

Sarah Palin says people who don’t back Trump are “traitors” -- “Gop #Nevertrump Traitors - Hillary Delights In You, For She Can't Win Without You.” Yes, all the people who correctly predicted that a conspiracy theorist who talked about his penis during the debates and promised to force the troops to commit war crimes wasn’t going to win are “traitors” while a wildly unpopular politician who endorsed both Christine O’Donnell and Donald Trump while wasting over 90% of the money her PAC receives is the one we can trust!

But Sean Hannity deserves particular attention. During the primaries, he promoted Trump non-stop to his audience with the sort of cream puff interviews you’d expect MSNBC to give to Hillary Clinton. It’s easy to understand why Hannity did that. More Trump means higher ratings and Trump is a sensitive guy who would have never spent so much time on Hannity’s show if he was regularly getting tough questions. 

Meanwhile, outside the blissful confines of Sean Hannity’s Trump world, where negative news about him was easily explained away, there were serious problems with Trump’s campaign. In fact, almost every problem Trump is having today should have been easy to see as early as January of this year. Trump’s wildly unpopular with most of the public; he’s mean-spirited; he’s incredibly gaffe-prone; he can’t raise enough money to fund a competitive campaign; he doesn’t have first rate staff and his poor data operation ensures he won’t have a strong get-out-the-vote campaign. By February, all those issues were still present, but it was also clear that there was going to be a large block of Republicans who found Trump so objectionable that they couldn’t vote for him. Here’s what I wrote in Townhall about it back then.

Trump's toxic, he's not a conservative and he has personally insulted an enormous number of people on the Right. There will be more Republicans who won't vote for him than for any other Republican nominee in recent history. In fact, it wouldn't be a shock if there are significant numbers of prominent Republicans who back a third party candidate or otherwise try to deliberately undermine his campaign.

Today Sean Hannity, among others, is trying to pass the buck to these people. To people like Jonah Goldberg, Erick Erickson, Steve Deace, Ben Shapiro, Ben Sasse, Amanda Carpenter, Ben Howe, Bill Kristol and me. 

Even Ted Cruz, a man who has fought tirelessly for grassroots conservatives and agreed to speak at the RNC convention, but wouldn’t endorse Trump is being attacked. If you were in Cruz’s shoes and you would endorse a candidate who publicly smeared your wife and father, then maybe you’re just not much of a man. A real man wouldn’t kneel down and kiss the ass of a guy who viciously insulted his family.

All of this brings us to what Sean Hannity wrote on Twitter which echoes comments he’s made on his show. 

Republicans who are sabotaging DT (Donald Trump) will get the HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton) they deserve. And yes I will hold them accountable.

So, is Sean Hannity going to hold himself accountable? 

He’s one of the most prominent conservatives in America.  Millions of people listen to him on the radio and on TV and what did they hear during the primaries? They heard Sean Hannity giving Donald Trump a tongue bath every night. Did Hannity ever tell them the full truth? Did he ever say, “I love having Donald Trump on because I agree with some of the things he says and he’s great for ratings, but realistically he has no chance of winning against Hillary. Sure, he makes all the right people mad and isn’t politically correct, but if he becomes the nominee, it also means that Hillary will be our next President.” 

Don’t get me wrong. I like and respect Hannity, but when Trump loses, who deserves more of the blame for Trump? The people who told you the truth all along and said, “Whether you like Trump or not, he can’t win. You have to pick someone else,” or the people like Hannity who spent months essentially saying, “Trump’s the greatest! We love Trump. Let’s cheer for him! Trump, Trump, Trump.” 

After Trump loses – and he is going to lose because he never had a chance to win, there will be a lot of people telling you that the problem is all these people who told you the truth about Trump. But the truth is never the problem; the problem is the problem. It’s becoming clear that one of our big problems is that people in the conservative movement are being given such skewed information by sources they trust that they thought a guy who was less popular than Walter Mondale or Michael Dukakis in January of this year was going to be the next President. That should tell you we have a problem with the conservative media that’s almost as large as the one we have with the mainstream media and if Sean Hannity is looking for someone to hold accountable, the first person he should look at is himself.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

8/15/2016 3:21 pm  #2

Re: Did Sean Hannity make a Clinton win inevitable?

Pretty damning article especially considering Townhall and John Hawkins are conservative stalwarts. 

"Do not confuse motion and progress, A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress"

8/16/2016 11:18 am  #3

Re: Did Sean Hannity make a Clinton win inevitable?

Jonah Goldberg from the National Review wrote the best column this past weekend calling out Hannity. Read the whole thing herebut here's a taste.......

Why does Hannity want Hillary to win? Rather than hold Trump to his promise to pivot, Hannity is defending Trump’s shtick.

Hannity hosts a nightly infomercial for a product the customers have already bought. Why not expend some energy trying to change the product so that others will buy it, too? Would that be too much like asking the crowds at the Coliseum to downgrade their lust for spectacle? Do you think Trump’s hardcore supporters are so selfish that they won’t tolerate even a little sanity and sobriety from the nominee, if only to beat Hillary? Give these people some credit for Pete’s sake. I’ve seen a bunch of interviews with attendees of Trump rallies who say they’d like to see more discipline from Trump. I know they want to defeat Hillary.

The simple fact is this: Trump will not win unless he changes. He needs to reassure the skeptics. He needs to win-over people not already won-over. He needs new, serious, material. But like an aging has-been rocker, he’d rather keep playing his greatest hits at Indian casinos and state fairs than actually put in the work and pivot.

But Hannity doesn’t seem to care. Trump is sabotaging his own campaign every single day, and yet his supporters put the blame on everyone else and cheer Trump on. They are Trump’s worst enemies because they are enabling him and by enabling him, they are sabotaging Trump’s campaign. If Hannity really loved Trump, he would play Ben Affleck to Matt Damon’s Will Hunting and tell him he owes it to himself and the country to be more than what he is.

Hannity should pull Trump aside and tell him, “The best part of my day are those few minutes every morning before I look at the newspaper or turn on the TV, when I think, ‘Hey, maybe today’s the day Donald Trump doesn’t beclown himself.’”

So, again: Why, Sean? Why? Doesn’t Trump listen to you? Didn’t you believe him when he promised you all those times that he can and will pivot? If you did, why aren’t you angry with him for lying to your face and your audience? Why are you happy to let him continue to pander to crowds that will already vote for him rather than make the slightest effort to persuade a constituency that would put him over the top.

Do you think Trump is lying when he says he could be presidential if he wanted to? If so, isn’t that a source of concern? I mean, if he can’t act presidential for 24 hours as a candidate, are you confident he can be presidential for four years? Why not publicly ask him to try to be a serious person for a week? Let’s see if he can do that. Hey, I’ll tell you what. If he can manage that I’ll reconsider my #NeverTrump position.

Unless, the issue is that you know he can’t be presidential, so you don’t want to risk asking him to be. Or maybe you just prefer having stuff to gripe about every night to the amen corner? Or maybe, deep down, you realized just how massively you screwed up – and screwed us – by backing this guy and you’d rather pass the buck elsewhere? Or maybe you just want Hillary Clinton to win?

I’ll take my answers off the air, as they say.


I think you're going to see a lot of different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. - President Donald J. Trump

8/17/2016 7:37 am  #4

Re: Did Sean Hannity make a Clinton win inevitable?

Looks like a growing breach between actual republicans and cable republicans.
We have seen who has won that struggle in 2016.

What happens when they wake up to disaster on November 9th?

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 
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