You know the one. Hillary shows Donald Trump mocking a disabled reporter in a TV appearance earlier in the campaign and suggests that our children could not be proud of such a man.
Well, Trump responded:
“They do the commercial, like I’m mocking a person with disability. I’m not, I’m not,” the businessman told supporters.
“I spend millions a year, or millions of dollars on ramps, and get rid of the stairs and different kinds of elevators all over and I’m gonna mock? I would never do that,” he continued.
“Number one, I have a good heart. Number two, I’m a smart person.”
Trump's remarks imply that building ramps for handicapped people are a reflection of his personal generosity and compassion for people with disabilities. In fact, the Americans with Disabilities Act, a federal law passed in 1990, requires Trump to provide accommodations in his buildings for people with disabilities.
Last edited by Goose (8/01/2016 10:58 am)
A Schmuck !
He will NEVER be my President.
According to Drumpf:
“Number one, I have a good heart. Number two, I’m a smart person.”
According to most reasonable people truthfully analyzing his rhetoric and actions:
"He's got a lot to prove"
The GOP has little moral courage in condemning this man's hateful antics against a wide swath of humanity.