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3/10/2015 6:21 pm  #11

Re: Property tax ‘reduction’ and ‘elimination’

The biggest problem for the (non City) York area school districts is that the population--and hence enrollment--is growing almost exponentially, yet they are saddled with a state subsidy funding formula that is decades old.

Most areas of the state are "winners" with this old formula because they are supporting fewer students with the same $$ as long ago, meaning the per-pupil subisidy is higher and their local taxes are lower.

The legislative reality is that apart from York, Adams, Lancaseter, Pike, and Monroe counties the vast majority of the assemblymen and senaotrs are representing people for whom the status quo is very peachy. in York County.....will NEVER get true "tax reform".

Life is an Orthros.

3/10/2015 6:32 pm  #12

Re: Property tax ‘reduction’ and ‘elimination’

Tarnation wrote:

The biggest problem for the (non City) York area school districts is that the population--and hence enrollment--is growing almost exponentially, yet they are saddled with a state subsidy funding formula that is decades old.

Most areas of the state are "winners" with this old formula because they are supporting fewer students with the same $$ as long ago, meaning the per-pupil subisidy is higher and their local taxes are lower.

The legislative reality is that apart from York, Adams, Lancaseter, Pike, and Monroe counties the vast majority of the assemblymen and senaotrs are representing people for whom the status quo is very peachy. in York County.....will NEVER get true "tax reform".

I am not sure your theory holds true even here in York County. When you use the Rock tax calculator it is not necessarily true here even in York County that the counties that are not experiencing growth having the lowest taxes overall for their respective property values.


"Do not confuse motion and progress, A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress"

3/11/2015 1:18 pm  #13

Re: Property tax ‘reduction’ and ‘elimination’

The Governor’s Property Tax Plan is the gift that you’ll keep paying for!
[url=]The full story:

As more details of the Governor’s Property Tax plans come forward, the more reasons we have to be concerned about its implementation. During Governor Tom Wolf’s budget address on February 3 he said “My plan will cut property taxes by an average 50%. Homeowners will see a $1000 reduction in their property taxes. Many homeowners will see their property taxes eliminated completely.”More recently The Governor said, according to ABC27 “I’m moving to a place where over 270,000 homeowners are gonna have no property tax at all for the purpose of funding education,” Wolf said Monday morning. “I’m not sure what’s not to like about that?” (]At first glance that sounds like a large number. Well, according to the Census data, there are 3,462,512 owner occupied housing units in the state. Remembers, that’s owner occupied housing units, not people. What happens with the people in those other 3,200,000 owner occupied homes? Less than 8% of the owner occupied homes will have their taxes eliminated under the governor’s plan, according to the governor. There’s a lot to be concerned about if you aren’t in that 8% of the owner occupied homes. It turns out there is even a lot to be concerned about even if you are.

Last edited by Common Sense (3/11/2015 1:18 pm)

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