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Heads exploding on the Exchange!
This won't go over very well here.
Fox News Having Highest-Rated Year Ever; Tops Cable Primetime So Far
Continuing a winning streak spanning 58 quarters in a row among the cable newers, Fox News also had the nine most-viewed shows and the top 5 highest rated for June. Per the election cycle, all saw double-digit growth, with Hannity getting the biggest jump (+41% in viewers and +35 in the 25-54 demo).Check out the victor’s top 5 spoils and more in both categories here:
Top 5 Q2 2016 Cable News Viewership
1. The O’Reilly Factor (2,929,000)
2. The Kelly File (2,409,000);
3. Special Report With Bret Baier (1,998,000)
4. Hannity (1,950,000)
5. The Five (1,950,000)
Top 5 Q2 2016 Cable News Demo
1. The O’Reilly Factor (464,000)
2. The Kelly File (434,000)
3. Hannity (427,000)
4. The O’Reilly Factor Repeat (320,000)
5. Special Report With Bret Baier (309,000).
With a strong jump-start from the revamped Varney & Co in the AM and Lou Dobbs Tonight in primetime, FBN was up 94% in total day viewership and 133% in prime. Add to that, FBN achieved it first primetime breaking business news win over rival CNBC with its June 23 special coverage of the UK EU referendum and the success of the Brexit vote.
Cable news is horrible and should be avoided whenever possible.
First of all, I agree with Lager. Cable news falls far below network news in viewership when it comes down it. One reason is due to the bias of cable news as detailed in a study by Pew Research:
"The Fox News audience skews more ideological than that of its two main competitors. Fully, 60% of Fox News viewers describe themselves as conservative, compared with 23% who say they are moderate and 10% who are liberal, according to a 2012 survey by the Pew Research Center. By contrast, the ideological makeup of CNN viewers (32% conservative, 30% moderate, 30% liberal) and MSNBC viewers (32% conservative, 23% moderate, 36% liberal) is far more mixed."
Viewership of all cable news outlets continues to decline year over year, possibly because people are tiring of this biased representation and confrontational style of the news personalities employed by those cable news outlets.
Anyhow, no one can deny Common Sense's claim that Fox 'news' is #1 in the minuscule, shrinking sector of broadcast cable news. Congratulations on their mediocrity.
Who watches cable news programs? The network news programs blow all of them out of the water don't they?
I do know someone who actually enjoys watching the Foxy network news programs because, as he puts it, "they have good looking babes". He figures the name 'Fox' is appropriate.
Common Sense wrote:
Heads exploding on the Exchange!
This won't go over very well here.
Fox News Having Highest-Rated Year Ever; Tops Cable Primetime So Far
You are taunting people,,,,, with cable ratings?
I don't understand.
What kind of a person gets their personal validation from, I'm sorry,,,,, cable ratings?
Sad. Perhaps the saddest thing I've ever read here.
I simply don't know what else to say.
I'm incredulous.
Last edited by Goose (6/29/2016 3:04 pm)
Most of the "exploding heads" are ON cable news !
Well, I think it might be understandable, Goose. The Fox News viewership demographic feeds into the gloating about how neat it is to see Fox News leading the pack.
Older people and seniors spend more time in front of the tube. Fox makes them feel part of the contemporary scene because to them Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, etc. represent all that was good, moral, and swell about the America they once knew ................... "Make America Great Again." To them, the USA has lost it's compass and we are sinking, not changing. Let them alone because they live in a world that is disappearing. I'm sure our parents and their parents felt the same way as the world passed them by and they felt left out.
Last edited by Just Fred (6/29/2016 3:21 pm)
Just Fred wrote:
Well, I think it might be understandable, Goose. The Fox News viewership demographic feeds into the gloating about how neat it is to see Fox News leading the pack.
Older people and seniors spend more time in front of the tube. Fox makes them feel part of the contemporary scene because to them Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, etc. represent all that was good, moral, and swell about the America they once knew ................... "Make America Great Again." To them, the USA has lost it's compass and we are sinking, not changing. Let them alone because they live in a world that is disappearing. I'm sure our parents and their parents felt the same way as the world passed them by and they felt left out.
Thanks, Fred.
I think that you might be on to something. On the face of it I find this preoccupation with ratings bewildering. I mean, I can't imagine taking to the internet to taunt people if the Travel Channel should beat Home and Garden TV in next month's ratings.
But, to these folks,,,, well, they really feel an ownership of the Fox message. They not only enjoy the programming, but feel that, if others enjoy the programming, it validates their emotions. Fox spins a tale about a version of the nation's narrative that they cherish. And if more people watch, it somehow comforts them and assuages their fears of a changing country.
I really should be more compassionate towards these poor souls.
Last edited by Goose (6/29/2016 3:38 pm)
OK . . . I'm going to have to take issue with Fred and Goose for their disparaging remarks about "older people and seniors" sitting in front of the boob tube, lapping up the biased mire served up by the talking heads, short skirts, and bubble headed kewpie dolls with push-up bras (uh-oh . . . Did I just give myself away?).
Anyhow, back to my complaint . . . I'm creeping up on 70 and I rarely watch cable news . . . Heck, I'd rather watch Wimbledon, or UEFA championships than the bitching and moaning and blaming that goes on with the cable news channels. Even when some tragedy happens, they feel the need to stay on speculating about what happened and who to blame for the incident for hours on end. I don't have that much time left to spend it watching that crap.
So, even though I'm one of those "older people", or "seniors", I choose not to waste my time watching these bozos spew their hatred, fear mongering, biased BS rather than actually reporting the news. Where is Walter Cronkite when we need him? Anyhow, I'll finish off staining my decks, mowing the grass, and maybe play a little golf rather than wasting my afternoons or evenings watching Fox 'news'.
I'd rather be wasting away again in Margaritaville. Fins Up !
I get it, rongone. You and I are from the same generation. High School class of '66 and college class of '70.
Fox is for the dreamers of days gone by. I'm sure you could relate to the wildness and excitement of the late 60's. But, today's Fox viewers and loyalists never got involved in the 60's societal and cultural revolution. They didn't get it, and it scares them.
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