In January 2008, Obama spoke about his approach to global warming and cap-and-trade systems, and he had a warning for anyone foolish enough to invest in coal:
"So, if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can — it’s just that it will bankrupt them, because they are going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted."
President Obama
This is going to cause Clinton problems especially after what she said about coal.
Peabody Energy files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy
Peabody Energy Corp. filed for chapter 11 protection from its creditors just weeks after warning that it could go bankrupt, signaling the end of an era for listed U.S. corporate coal companies.The move by St. Louis-based Peabody US:BTU is the latest in a series of bankruptcies to hit top American coal producers, including Arch Coal Inc., Alpha Natural Resources, Inc., Patriot Coal Corp. and Walter Energy, Inc.
WLTGQ, -3.57% In announcing the chapter 11 filing, the coal producer said it has also dropped plans to sell assets in New Mexico and Colorado after the buyer wasn’t able to complete the deal. Peabody has filed for chapter 11 protection for most of its U.S. entities in the bankruptcy court for the Eastern District of Missouri. All mines and offices are continuing to operate during this process the company said, adding that none of its Australian operations are included in the filings and continue to operate as usual.
The economics of our time have caused the near collapse of coal. It has very little to do with who the President might be. Other sources of energy are increasingly becoming more attractive financially.
Such is life. And, if better, and cleaner sources become available, the market will move on, exactly as it is supposed to. Depends on how one looks at things I guess. You can lament the collapse of the horse carriage industry, or get on board with the automobile.
U.S. Coal Decline Driven By Free Market, Despite Industry Opposition To Obama
"Despite Murray’s protestations, the decline of the coal industry is being driven by the free market. U.S. natural gas production rose 16 percent from November 2008 to November 2012, creating a cheap supply that has made gas-generated electricity more competitive than that from coal".
Last edited by Goose (5/04/2016 9:03 am)
Germany announced last week that they are ahead of schedule in their plan to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources providing for the country's energy needs. Their plan was to be at 74% by the end of 2015 and they exceeded that and are at 78% of their energy requirements being provided by solar, wind, and tidal sources.
If other countries can make that commitment and be successful, why can't we? It's good for the environment, good for human health, provides a whole new array of invention, industries, and technology to support the production and grid that will provide new jobs. It seems to me there is very little downside to making this switch.
I am very much in sympathy with people in coal mining regions. When I was a kid I lived in the northcentral town of Lock Haven. It was heavily dependent on two industries, a paper mill, and a small aircraft manufacturing operation.
When I was in high school, Piper Aircraft relocated all operations to Florida. It was devastating. Unemployment shot up to 26% overnite. Retirements were shelved, lives were nearly ruined. But, the region slowly recovered. Industries rise and fall. There is nothing you can do about that.
You have to diversify your economy. I refuse to believe that the good people of WV, Kentucky and southern Ohio cannot do anything but either mine coal or live in poverty. There is a third - as well as a fourth, fifth, etc - path.
Last edited by Goose (5/04/2016 9:52 am)
Goose wrote:
The economics of our time have caused the near collapse of coal. It has very little to do with who the President might be. Other sources of energy are increasingly becoming more attractive financially.
Such is life. And, if better, and cleaner sources become available, the market will move on, exactly as it is supposed to. Depends on how one looks at things I guess. You can lament the collapse of the horse carriage industry, or get on board with the automobile.
U.S. Coal Decline Driven By Free Market, Despite Industry Opposition To Obama
"Despite Murray’s protestations, the decline of the coal industry is being driven by the free market. U.S. natural gas production rose 16 percent from November 2008 to November 2012, creating a cheap supply that has made gas-generated electricity more competitive than that from coal".
If you look at the Spider Energy Sector ETF, it's down roughly 35% since it's high of mid-2014.
Obviously that accounts for oil, coal, gas, and number of other energy related companies.
I think there are a ton of market forces at play here. Getting oil and gas is constantly getting more efficient. The anti-frackers have essentially lost, meaning more land is open to exploration and production. Vehicles are consistently getting better fuel mileage and sales of hybrid and electric cars are up. And alternative renewable energy options are becoming cheaper and more attractive as people look to the future and see the science becoming clearer on the warming trend in our global climate.
Very little of this has to do with government. It is just the natural evolution of technology, science, and capitalism and the free market.
What???? No blame Obama for a change. Things are looking up.
Obama's proposals in 2008 have NOTHING to do with the demise of Coal in the US.
The demise is because of the rise of natural gas and cheap oil. BTW, he DID drill, baby, drill.!
BTW, Coal is NOT going away for a long while. Many of Peabody's mines are profitable, but the debt that Peabody has built up along with falling coal prices has left them (and a number of other big coal producers) no option but to declare bankruptcy. What WILL come out of this is a breaking up of Peabody into smaller units that will be privately owned. Some of Peabody's troubles also came from an ill-timed acquisition of Australia’s Macarthur Coal Ltd. for $5.1 billion in 2011. Prices have been declining ever since.
One big issue is for investors as a $1 billion series of bonds Peabody sold just in March 2015 recently traded for 7 cents on the dollar, according to MarketAxess. Shame on financial advisors that may have directed anyone into this venture.
Last edited by tennyson (5/04/2016 11:40 am)
Meanwhile the execs at Peabody continued to rake in their big salaries while the company was going South.
Those Executive ‘Pay Cuts’ at Peabody Energy? Mostly a Charade
While the Top Brass Reap Millions, Investors Absorb Huge Losses and Employees Face Job Cuts and Unfunded Benefits
Last edited by tennyson (5/04/2016 11:46 am)