Posting-Trigger Warning
I think that my renewed posting on the Exchange has caused
some members upset and concern. I know that the Exchange was going dark
from the lack of posting activity and basically one view point all the time.
You know the postings: we don’t like Trump, we don’t like Christy, we don’t like Rubio
we don’t like Cruz and then throw in ban guns, Made man global warming. Can’t
forget hate FOX news and the NRA! So a post is added expressing the majority view on
the Exchange then a few responses that agree with the original post. High five you got it right!! Then back to quiet calm, no upset.
I know college campuses across our nation have put in place “Safe Zones” and “Trigger
Warning” for students who cannot bear to see or hear anything that might upset them.
When confronted with opposing views they may have an anaphylaxis reaction.
What I plan to do is place a trigger warning in the Title of each post I make if there is
Room I will use “Trigger Warning” and if that won’t fit I will use “TW”! Now there will
be way for you to avoid a posting that could cause you so much upset! Stay in your safe place!
I hope this will be helpful to you who don’t like my postings!
One last thing. Thank You to everyone who welcomed (e-mail) me back to the Exchange.
I do appreciate it!
Have the best day you can!
Ok, so that was a little weird.
You feeling OK?
Same old Goose! Fun and games!
Same old CS, martyr complex.
Goose wrote:
Same old CS, martyr complex.
To be honest, Goose, we're all a little weird here.
Well, excepting you and me, Doug,,,
Welcome back Common. As it is the holiday season, I can only assume your return is some sort of Christmas Miracle.
You know, the whole "trigger warning" & "safe space" and general "be offended by every stupid little thing" stuff we have seen on college campuses recently really gets under my skin.
"Stupid millennials!", I say to myself. But then I remember that they've spent their lives, largely post 9/11, watching us, the supposed adults, constantly sniping at one another over petty things, while allowing the important stuff to be glossed over.
We, (and I mean society in general) need to have serious discussions about terrorism, violence (gun or otherwise), race, the type of government we want, our place in foreign affairs, and so on.
But instead we get glossy news productions, and pretty faces, and 10 second soundbites.
It's no wonder everyone is walking around terrified. Because deep inside fear, is ignorance.
Yes, it is great to welcome back yet another alumnus of the "old" Exchange.
And one other quick thought: Remember about 6 - 8 weeks ago when a couple of regulars were ready to write the epitaph for The New Exchanges because we would sometime have only one new comment in 24 hours?
Today there were 9 pages of new comments from 7 AM through 5 PM....pretty much a record. All clean. Mostly civil.
Let's keep it this way especially as we ramp up to the festival that many keep heralding "peace on earth, goodwill among men".
TheLagerLad wrote:
Welcome back Common. As it is the holiday season, I can only assume your return is some sort of Christmas Miracle.
You know, the whole "trigger warning" & "safe space" and general "be offended by every stupid little thing" stuff we have seen on college campuses recently really gets under my skin.
"Stupid millennials!", I say to myself. But then I remember that they've spent their lives, largely post 9/11, watching us, the supposed adults, constantly sniping at one another over petty things, while allowing the important stuff to be glossed over.
We, (and I mean society in general) need to have serious discussions about terrorism, violence (gun or otherwise), race, the type of government we want, our place in foreign affairs, and so on.
But instead we get glossy news productions, and pretty faces, and 10 second soundbites.
It's no wonder everyone is walking around terrified. Because deep inside fear, is ignorance.
Hello LagerLad,
Thanks for the Welcome back greetings. I do agree with you about the Trigger warning and Safe space stuff!
It's stunning what is happening on college campus across the nation. How are students going to survive if they are running to the safe spaces or have trigger warnings?
Of course this post was written in jest!