The DemocratsVerified account @TheDemocrats
Happy Memorial Day weekend, everyone!Jake Tapper, CNN anchor and chief Washington correspondent, took exception Saturday to a tweet the Democratic Party posted in honor of Memorial Day:
Happy Memorial Day weekend, everyone!— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) May 22, 2015
The photo of President Barack Obama downing an ice cream cone in St. Paul, Minnesota, last June was accompanied by the message, “Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!”
[quote888] Jake Tapper, CNN anchor and chief Washington correspondent, took exception Saturday to a tweet the Democratic Party posted in honor of Memorial Day:
Tapper, a big supporter of U.S. soldiers, wasn’t about to let the Democrats’ imagery misfire go unnoticed:Respectfully, @TheDemocrats, this is not what Memorial Day Weekend is about. — Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) May 23, 2015[/quote888][/quote888]
Last edited by Common Sense (5/24/2015 9:02 am)
Soldiers don't like Ice cream?
Really, CS, you are going to mar Memorial Day by turning it into a partisan attack with this drivel?
This is pretty low.
Binary worldview. The politicization of everything.
Where did I just read that?
Last edited by Goose (5/24/2015 11:15 am)
Really Goose this is what the Democratic party (offical) posted on Memorial Day weekend?
What would the families who lost solders think about this photo for Memorial Day weekend? The President eating ice cream? That would be great for Happy Summer from the President but not for Memorial Day.
It’s so out of touch with what military families face after the loss of a loved one.
The President is the Commander in Chief of our military! Maybe show a little respect?
Is that too much to ask for on Memorial Day Weekend? After all the Solders, Marines, Air Men gave their last devotion of duty to our country!
They deserve better!
And then you spin this to come after me?
Jake Tapper of CNN responded with the following:
Tapper, a big supporter of U.S. soldiers, wasn’t about to let the Democrats’ imagery misfire go unnoticed:Respectfully, @TheDemocrats, this is not what Memorial Day Weekend is about. — Jake Tapper (@jaketapper)
Nothing like a laser-like focus on the petty, and some feigned outrage for the holiday weekend.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Last edited by Goose (5/24/2015 12:54 pm)
If anybody is interested,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
On Monday morning, the President will host a breakfast in honor of Memorial Day. Veteran and Military Family Service Organizations and senior military leadership will be in attendance, as well as organizations that support the families of the fallen, including the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors; Gold Star Mothers; Gold Star Wives, Sons and Daughters in Touch. This breakfast in the State Dining Room is closed to the press.
Later in the morning, the President will travel to Arlington National Cemetery where he will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and deliver remarks. The wreath-laying as well as the President’s remarks are open to pre-credentialed media.
In other words, the President IS showing proper respect to the Fallen, and their families. All's well that ends well.
Last edited by Goose (5/24/2015 2:38 pm)
Common is right. This is a disgrace. I can't believe people voted for this guy twice! Oh, wait a minute, there are people out there that voted for George Bush twice, too. Crazy world is it not?
Not only that, but I heard people are actually eating ice cream, grillin' weenies and burgers, and drinking beer on Memorial Day, too. Another disgrace and showing disrespect to veterans.
BTW, what;s GW's favorite flavor? I like peanut butter swirl and butter almond. Pittsburgh crunch is pretty good, too.
Sounds like a lot of effort being put in to finding something to be offended by.
Personally, this tweet and photo doesn't bother me, but I can see how some people would be really upset about it. Someone running the Twitter account for the Democrats didn't think this one through.
For a party that is characterized as "unpatriotic" and "un-american", you would think they would be smart enough to not post a picture of the President eating ice cream and then say "Happy Memorial Day". Wouldn't you make sure you don't reinforce the stereotype of your party? Why potentially upset families who have lost a loved one during combat and give the Republicans ammunition to come at you.
Not very smart.
Last edited by Brady Bunch (5/24/2015 5:45 pm)
How many people claiming to be offended will be grilling hot dogs and drinking beer tomorrow afternoon?
OMG, will we ever focus on the important stuff?
Goose wrote:
How many people claiming to be offended will be grilling hot dogs and drinking beer tomorrow afternoon?
OMG, will we ever focus on the important stuff?
Are you saying that over-dramatizing a twitter post isn't important??