Here's one:
Trumpers go to rallies where they continue to chant 'Lock Her Up' about an individual who has not even been charged with a crime.
So please, spare me the sanctimonious lectures about due process and the presumption of innocence.
Couple thing upon watching the very long session where Ford and Kavenaugh were testifying.
Ford came off as very credible.
The lady prosecutor that the GOP used was ineffective in her cross examination of Ford. At a point I actually think she believed Ford. It was amazing that the GOP started using her in the cross of Kavenaugh. Obviously they thought better of that as she was yanked before completing her tenure.
You had to in many ways feel sorry for BOTH Ford and Kavenaugh.
The GOP came off more worried about themselves and their re-election than Kavenaugh.
Grassley was kind of an embarassment. I won't even comment on Graham as he is always a loose cannon and certainly was that and more in this hearing.
Kavenaugh at least in my mind made some critical mistakes to those trying to make up their minds 1) his opening was trying to link this to payback for Clinon (Bill). That injected him as a politician vs a person who is supposed to be non-political 2) his demeanor overall worked against him as he many times became belligerent and evasive 3) most of his answers were over wordy and sometime not really relevant as if he was trying to run down the 5 minute clock 4) his refusal to call for an FBI investigation IF he was truly innocent and looking to clear himself was weak.
I am glad the FBI investigation will actually happen. I am not sure after this long delay IF anything can come out of it or not, but it needed to be done to either corroborate Ford's allegations of Kavenaugh and his demeanor and actions or not.
I am sorry that Ford was outed as perhaps she never wanted it to happen, but that said, I hope this gives her some closure to finally believe that she at this late date actually got to take a stance. Whether she is right or wrong about Kavenaugh, I DO believe she came through a traumatic incident pretty much as depicted. There are so many who have gone through this same type of thing that never get the courage or chance to come forward and perhaps to some degree unburden themselves of some of the lasting pain.
My only hope is that we can come to some good determination as to if this man should move forward or not as it is a lifetime position and we need to have men or women of the highest caliber on the bench (and that is much more than just their judicial background) . I know that is asking a LOT in this day and age of hyper partisan politics.