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7/28/2018 6:37 am  #1

The Trump Two-Step

We saw it first with the North Korean situation.
Now we see the same thing with the EU tariff debacle.

1. Engage in outrageous insults and accusations. Threaten dire consequences.

2. Meet with 'Villain', back away from all of your threats and then brag, "Look how I averted a calamity".

July 16
Trump calls the European Union a 'foe' of the United States

July 25
Trump Just Called Off His Trade War With Europe.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

7/28/2018 6:40 am  #2

Re: The Trump Two-Step

Not exactly the picture of a "stable genius" ! 

"Do not confuse motion and progress, A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress"

7/28/2018 6:47 am  #3

Re: The Trump Two-Step

So the strategy is to create a crisis and then smother it and claim victory.

A cub scout starts a fire, walks away, the troop screams 'FIRE' !  The cub scout that started the fire pours water on it and poses as the hero that put out the fire.


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