The only reason that Sean hannity is not the White House Press Secretary is that he is more useful on state television.
Sean Hannity, shadow White House press secretary?
When President Trump plugs Sean Hannity's Fox News show, it is usually to promote one of his own interviews on the program or an appearance by one of his sons. On Wednesday, however, Trump advertised a “big show tonight on @seanhannity,” without explanation.
Though neither the president nor a member of his family was a scheduled guest, Trump seemed to know — and like — something about Hannity's impending telecast.
Donald J. Trump
Big show tonight on @seanhannity! 9:00 P.M. on @FoxNews
During the show, Hannity tweeted a denial that was notable for its specificity. He said Trump “was not given ANY heads up on my monologue using the 'Comey' standard” — a reference to former FBI director James B. Comey's comparison between Trump and a “mob boss,” which inspired Hannity to argue that it is Comey, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and the Clintons who are akin to the mafia.
In his tweet, Hannity asserted said that Trump did not know in advance about one trope in one segment of the program. Hannity did not deny that the president knew about other elements of the show. Asked to clarify, a Fox News spokeswoman referred to Hannity's tweet.
A useful tool about summarizes Hannity !