Fox contributor: You can’t impeach Trump because ‘he won the election’
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There have been a great many stupid things said in Trump’s defense, but Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren deserves special recognition for her thoughts on impeaching Trump.
On Wednesday’s edition of “Fox & Friends,” Lahren was asked about Sean Penn’s recent remark that Congress should impeach Trump, and her response was to claim that the process of becoming president makes one immune to impeachment.
“Well, if he was listening to the American people,” Lahren said, “he would understand that President Trump won the election, and the American people have spoken.
The really sad thing is that many who watch Faux News actually believe her !
What a piece of work this person is. Better explain that to Bill Clinton, and if he were still alive, Richard Nixon. Actually, she might be a perfect choice to join Trump's legal team.