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5/15/2015 8:34 am  #1

By the way, I gave $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation… (Update 75k)

 Some how it just slipped my mind for the last 3 years!

 George Stephanopoulos: By the way, I gave $50,000 to Clinton Foundation (Update: 75k)

ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos has given $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation in recent years, charitable contributions that he did not publicly disclose while reporting on the Clintons or their non-profit organization, the On Media blog has learned.In both 2013 and 2014, Stephanopoulos made a $25,000 donation to the 501 nonprofit founded by former president Bill Clinton, the Foundation’s records show. Stephanopoulos never disclosed this information to viewers, even when interviewing author Peter Schweizer last month about his book “Clinton Cash,” which alleges that donations to the Foundation may have influenced some of Hillary Clinton’s actions as Secretary of State.In a statement to the On Media blog on Thursday, Stephanopoulos apologized and said that he should have disclosed the donations to ABC News and its viewers.“I made charitable donations to the Foundation in support of the work they’re doing on global AIDS prevention and deforestation, causes I care about deeply,” he said. “I thought that my contributions were a matter of public record. However, in hindsight, I should have taken the extra step of personally disclosing my donations to my employer and to the viewers on air during the recent news stories about the Foundation. I apologize.”

Last edited by Common Sense (5/15/2015 8:35 am)

 “We hold these truths to be self-evident,”  former vice president Biden said during a campaign event in Texas on Monday. "All men and women created by — you know, you know, the thing.”


5/15/2015 8:55 am  #2

Re: By the way, I gave $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation… (Update 75k)

It's his money.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

5/15/2015 11:01 am  #3

Re: By the way, I gave $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation… (Update 75k)

I've just got bits and pieces of this thing.  He gave money to a 501 non-profit charity sponsored by Bill Clinton that funded AIDS prevention and prevention of deforestation activities and didn't report it to his employer?  Then he interviewed some guy that alleges the charity may have influenced some of Hillary Clinton's decisions as Secretary of State.  That's the story?



5/15/2015 5:26 pm  #4

Re: By the way, I gave $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation… (Update 75k)

Did he break the law?  Is there a statute of limitations regarding giving to a charity and associating with it's sponsors?  Sounds like another NONtroversy to me.


5/15/2015 5:29 pm  #5

Re: By the way, I gave $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation… (Update 75k)

I hope it doesn't come out how much I gave ! 

"Do not confuse motion and progress, A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress"

5/15/2015 6:14 pm  #6

Re: By the way, I gave $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation… (Update 75k)

Just Fred wrote:

I've just got bits and pieces of this thing.  He gave money to a 501 non-profit charity sponsored by Bill Clinton that funded AIDS prevention and prevention of deforestation activities and didn't report it to his employer?  Then he interviewed some guy that alleges the charity may have influenced some of Hillary Clinton's decisions as Secretary of State.  That's the story?



It is if, this early in the campaign for the 2016 presidential election, you already have hash marks in your undies about Hillary out-polling all of your clown candidates.


5/16/2015 7:47 am  #7

Re: By the way, I gave $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation… (Update 75k)

I wonder how many media personalities on the right donated to Republican charities like the Bush Foundation?   Interesting that the Bush Foundation won't disclose their donors like the Clintons do.


5/16/2015 10:29 am  #8

Re: By the way, I gave $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation… (Update 75k)

I don't care what Stephanopoulous does with his money but I do think he should be precluded from participating in any debates or interviews with any presidential candidates just because of the appearance of favoritism.

For me, the biggest rub in all of this is the excessively cozy relationship between our politicians, major media and corporate America.

Stephanopoulous goes from the White House to a major media outlet which is owned by a global media conglomerate. And you see the same thing happen between major republicans and thier non stop appearances on right wing tv and radio.

It's reasonable to forgive the "average" American to feel like they cant get to the truth behind a story or a person.

I think you're going to see a lot of different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. - President Donald J. Trump

5/16/2015 2:45 pm  #9

Re: By the way, I gave $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation… (Update 75k)

I don't really care who moderates the debates. All they do is read the questions.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

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