Don't get me wrong, if there is widespread voter fraud, we need to find it. But, that's not what this commission is about.
It's about voter suppression, and the idea that the only way that we "real" Americans can lose an election is if there is something illegal going on by those people.
Trump panel heads to New Hampshire in search for proof of voter fraud
In November, President Donald Trump claimed "serious voter fraud" in New Hampshire. In January, he said 3 to 5 million undocumented immigrants voted illegally -- allowing Hillary Clinton to win the national popular vote. In February, he said thousands of people had been bused to New Hampshire from Massachusetts to vote illegally in the swing state.None of those claims have been proven. But on Tuesday, Trump's "Election Integrity" commission is in New Hampshire to look for evidence.
The commission, led by Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach, has scheduled a series of presentations from long-time advocates for stricter controls on voting. Among them: The Heritage Foundation's Hans von Spakovsky, who plans to highlight egregious examples of voter fraud; and the Crime Prevention Research Center's John Lott Jr., who will advocate background checks for voters.
Last edited by Goose (9/12/2017 7:57 am)
I ran a 'fact check' on this. Kobach's suspicions are completely unsupported.
If we are going to go down this blind alley, I suggest the first group of people that should be subject to background checks, strict controls on their identity documents, and fraud are political elected officials and candidates running for office.
In particular, the immediate investigation of the members of this "commission" and the people that proposed the formation of the "commission" and the people that were instrumental in selecting the members of this "commission".
Last edited by Rongone (9/12/2017 2:06 pm)
It's just the latest shiny object for the fringe.
Taxpayer money would be more well spend on researching voter supression.