September 4th, 476
Western Roman Empire falls
Romulus Augustus, the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire, is deposed by Odoacer, a German barbarian who proclaims himself king of Italy.
Odoacer was a mercenary leader in the Roman imperial army when he launched his mutiny against the young emperor. At Piacenza, he defeated Roman General Orestes, the emperor’s powerful father, and then took Ravenna, the capital of the Western empire since 402. Although Roman rule continued in the East, the crowning of Odoacer marked the end of the original Roman Empire, which centered in Italy.
It would be another 1385 years until Italy was once again united as one nation.
Last edited by Goose (9/04/2017 7:13 am)
Some people are surprised to learn that as a unified country, Italy didn't become unified until the 1860's, about 100 years after us. This, in part, explains why Italy is still quite regional.
It is noteworthy that the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire survived for nearly one thousand more years, falling to the Ottoman Turks on 29 May 1453.
Tarnation wrote:
It is noteworthy that the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire survived for nearly one thousand more years, falling to the Ottoman Turks on 29 May 1453.
Right you are.
I am so happy that you brought this up.
Most Americans are woefully ignorant of the historic significance of the Eastern Empire.
This is an outstanding read:
For more than a millennium, Byzantium reigned as the glittering seat of Christian civilization. When Europe fell into the Dark Ages, Byzantium held fast against Muslim expansion, keeping Christianity alive. Streams of wealth flowed into Constantinople, making possible unprecedented wonders of art and architecture.
And, when that empire fell to the Ottomans, many of it's brightest scholars and artists fled West, and fueled the Renaissance.
Last edited by Goose (9/04/2017 2:42 pm)
Yes, and don't overlook the important role played by the Irish monastic communities in preserving Roman law.
Pope Gregory is the one who deserves the credit for sending Augustine as a missionary to Canterbury; also for sending Winifred/Boniface as a missionary to the Teutonic tribes in Germany.