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8/11/2017 5:10 pm  #1

Sorry Pennsylvania

The Keystone state is shut out of this list.
New England Dominates!

The 30 Safest Cities to Raise a Child – 2017

Finding a safe place to raise your family is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a parent. From the quality of the school system to the accessibility of great parks and children’s recreational activities, selecting a community where you’ll want to settle down and raise a child is serious business.

Here at SafeWise, we’ve delved into the data to define which cities in the United States excel at creating safer environments for families. You might notice that there’s overlap between this list and our 100 Safest Cities in America. That’s because these communities do exceptional jobs of protecting not only adults but also their smallest, most vulnerable residents.

As you’ll see from our recommendations, the safest cities for raising families tend to skew towards coastal New England towns, where quiet, suburban neighborhoods have less crime, promote healthy and active lifestyles, and enjoy well-funded school systems. Connecticut takes the lead with nearly a third of the cities on the list hailing from the state, while New Jersey’s family-friendly townships make up a large portion of the remaining communities.

Here are a few state statistics that helped inform our rankings of which cities are the safest for raising a family. To learn more about where we got our data, see the methodology section below.

Connecticut has exceptionally low rates of violent crime.
Vermont has the fewest registered sex offenders per capita of any state.
New Jersey has the second-highest high school graduation rate.
Massachusetts schools are rated the best for overall quality.

While parents always strive to closely supervise their kids, it helps to have a community that’s willing to focus on family-friendly initiatives that make the difference. These are the cities across America that make one of the toughest and most rewarding jobs you’ll ever undertake a little less stressful.

The list:

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

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