Dem Rep Has Painting of Statue of Liberty in a Hijab Hanging in His Office
Rep. J. Luis Correa (D-CA) has come under fire for a painting hanging in his California office that shows the Statue of Liberty wearing a hijab, a head covering often worn by Muslim women.
Local activist group We the People Rising has attacked the painting - which was created by a high school student as part of the Congressional Art Competition - as an unpatriotic violation of the separation of church and state.
Mike McGetrick, an activist with the group, called the painting "perplexing" and "disturbing" in a letter to Correa asking him to take it down, the Washington Post reported.
“Ultimately, to attribute a specific religion to the Statue of Liberty is inaccurate, unprofessional and offensive,” McGetrick wrote. “In addition, the painting displays the torch of the Statue of Liberty, not as the heralded beacon of light, but rather held awkwardly to one side - in a perplexing, even disturbing, manner.
”During a July meeting between We the People Rising members and a Correa staffer, McGetrick called the painting “filthy.”
Correa on Tuesday morning told the Post he won’t remove the painting, calling it an individual artist’s expression.He warned that policing art like that could lead to a “very dangerous slippery slope.”“My thoughts were, here’s probably a young Muslim lady who is trying very hard to be part of America, who is trying very hard to show people that she is an American, given the context that is going on around us in our country,” Correa said. “By me taking it down, I’m acknowledging that she did something wrong.
”We the People Rising said it will continue its campaign to have Correa take the painting down, even promising a September 11 protest at Correa’s office if the painting is not removed by then.
Last edited by Goose (8/10/2017 10:54 am)
I understand likely WHY Correa had it hanging in his office, I also understand why some may have a strong opposition to it because many equate the Statue with NY City and 9/11 and it looks like it could be a slap in the face to some.
The Statue, however, is a reminder that we are an open country and welcome all people and THAT is the reason this painting should stand as a reminder of that fact.
Last edited by tennyson (8/10/2017 11:38 am)
tennyson wrote:
I understand likely WHY Correa had it hanging in his office, I also understand why some may have a strong opposition to it because many equate the Statue with NY City and 9/11 and it looks like it could be a slap in the face to some.
The Statue, however, is a reminder that we are an open country and welcome all people and THAT is the reason this painting should stand as a reminder of that fact.
I hope that those who equate the Statue with NYC are not offended. Because, if they are, they would also be equating the hijab with terrorism. That would be unfortunate, to say the least.
I believe that 60 Muslims died on 9-11. That would be about 2% of the total deaths, which is in keeping with the percentage of Muslims living in the US.
I choose to view it as a plea for tolerance. Lady Liberty could be represented in a hijab, French or Italian peasant dress, a Babushka, a Vietnamese conical hat, and so on
Last edited by Goose (8/10/2017 11:56 am)