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7/15/2017 7:06 am  #11

Re: Most Republicans say colleges have negative impact on US

Yea, some people compensate for their own insecurities by bringing others down.

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 

10/14/2017 2:21 pm  #12

Re: Most Republicans say colleges have negative impact on US

Common Sense wrote:

Republican views of higher ed impact on society turn sharply negative

There is only so long higher ed can continue biting the hand that feeds it.
At Legal Insurrection we have focused on higher education as much, if not more (I’m not taking the time to count 8 years of posts), than any other subject.We even had a website for several years, College Insurrection, focused on higher ed. Now we have consolidated our higher ed coverage at Legal Insurrection.

You can click on the College Insurrection Tag to see some (not all) of our posts. Try also our Free Speech and Academic Freedom tags, as well as specific tags for colleges and universities like Bowdoin CollegeBrown UniversityColumbia UniversityCornellCUNYEvergreen State CollegeHamilton CollegeHarvardHarvard LawOberlinUC-DavisUCLA, and Vassar College.

If you are in a mood to throw up in your mouth a little, also scroll through our BDS tag, much of which concerns higher ed. You get the point. Our dashboard tells me that we have published 24,288 posts. I’m going to guesstimate that 2-3,000 of them concern higher ed in some manner.

To put it bluntly, higher ed is profoundly broken both at the educational and political level. Even if most of the parts are not broken, there are enough broken parts to create a hostile campus environment for non-liberal students, and for just about anyone who varies from the progressive party line. Freedom of speech on campus is under severe attack from “microaggression” and “safe space” theory, as well as more traditional forms of political correctness.

At the same time, the Obama administration dictated a legal environment in which higher ed institutions were forced to create the equivalents of kangaroo courts to prosecute and persecute young men accused of some form of sexual misconduct.

When we started College Insurrection in 2012, there weren’t many websites covering these issues and exposing what was happening. Over time the coverage grew, and social media has allowed the absurdity of what is happening to gain widespread exposure.

So, Legal Insurrection has apparently done a lot of work. And, they have determined that "Higher education is profoundly broken on an educational and political level".

My goodness. This is disconcerting. Concerned, I decided to check out Legal Insurrection's eight year Focus on higher education.
This is what I found.

Legal Insurrection's College tab leads you to over 100 pages of posts.

I looked over the first three.
Here are the titles of the "essays".

Princeton Student: Conservatives Don’t Really Believe in Free Speech

Cornell Black Students group apologizes for complaining about African and Caribbean black students

Dartmouth Student Claims Homecoming Honors ‘Legacy of Colonialism’

Shouting You Down Week in Higher Education

Student Protesters Disrupt Charles Murray Speech at U. Michigan

Protesters at TSU Law School Shout Down Congressman at Conservative Student Event

U. Oregon Students Shut Down Speech by University President

Will Hillary Become a Columbia Professor?

Oberlin Students: America Not Worth Being Proud Of

Will Katie Pavlich at UW Madison be the Next Berkeley?

‘Gender Affirming Therapy’ Offered to Students at San Diego State

Colonialism Article Sets off Firestorm in Academia

Antifa Members Allegedly Stalking College Republicans at Berkeley

Toronto Schools Removing ‘Chief’ From Job Titles to Respect Indigenous Peoples

Student Protesters Disrupt Charles Murray Speech at U. Georgetown Student Paper Now Documenting ‘Bias’ Incidents

Poll Finds 58 Percent of Students Think ‘Intolerant’ Ideas Should be Kept Off Campus

Columbia Students Protest British Speaker Critical of Increased Islamic Immigration in EU

UC Raises Tuition While Spending Tens of Millions on Extravagant Pensions

Drexel U Prof Placed on Leave for Inflammatory Las Vegas Comments

Protesters at TSU Law School Shout Down Congressman at Conservative Student Event

Petition Demands Immigration Debate Be Cancelled at Seattle U. Law School

U. Michigan President Hid Emails in Which He Insulted Campus Trump Supporters

U. Oregon Students Shut Down Speech by University President

Student Describing Himself as ‘Karl Marx’ Stabs Campus Group’s Free Speech Ball

College Republicans’ Trump Pence Mural Vandalized at U. Minnesota

Harvard Adds ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day to Columbus Day on School Calendar

VIDEO: Berkeley Students Protest Midterm Exam, Accuse Prof. of White Privilege

And, so it goes on, for another 98 pages
Anybody detect a pattern here?

Yea, all of the pieces are carefully selected to depict college in a negative light. And,they are not about education at all. The pieces are all political and Culture Wars centered.

Furthermore, when you get into these pieces, you see that Higher education is being indicted with stories about a mere handful of kids at a school being stupid. They are NOT representative of the school at all.

So, I get it. If you were a conservative without a college education, and you get your "information" from a site like this,  Of course you'd come away from this site thinking that college was an awful place.

Another thing that I learned:

Some guy named Mike LaChance.

So, Legal Insurrection's Focus on higher Ed is nothing more than the rantings of a single person who has a grudge, and who has found a niche.

Common, I'm begging you. Dump this site. 
Your bias is his livelihood.

Free your mind!

Last edited by Goose (10/14/2017 2:58 pm)

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 
     Thread Starter

10/14/2017 5:00 pm  #13

Re: Most Republicans say colleges have negative impact on US

As someone whose political viewpoints are generally conservative, I don't have a negative view point of higher education.

My oldest daughter is a high school senior and she has already visited and applied to 4 colleges (PSU, Bloomsburg, West Chester and York College) and has already been accepted into York College for their competitive Nursing program with a $16,000 scholarship and Bloomsburg for elementary education (she still isn't sure what she wants to major in).  Still waiting on PSU and West Chester for their decision.

With that being said, I can see why some "values" conservatives would have a negative view of college.  It was pretty clear when we visited those college, especially the state run universities, that the culture on campus is more in line with current liberal or progressive values.  However, that doesn't mean you should have a negative view of higher education.  It means people who disagree with those liberal values can hopefully learn to interact and debate those who are liberal and hopefully the liberals on campus would be willing to do that with them as well.  


10/14/2017 5:15 pm  #14

Re: Most Republicans say colleges have negative impact on US

Pick West Chester.  I was a Golden Ram myself, and had an excellent experience.  Nice mix of students from both urban and country areas.  But, of course, I'm biased. 


10/14/2017 5:42 pm  #15

Re: Most Republicans say colleges have negative impact on US

My youngest is a freshman at Davidson, outside of Charlotte, NC.
It's a small liberal arts college.
She was worried. But, She reports that her two best friends are strong republican Trump supporters. Really nice young people. And they, along with my daughter from Massachusetts, make it work.
And the children shall lead them.

But, please, please don't get manipulated by some jerk from Legal Insurrection.
Stop listening to the apostles of hate. They do not want to help the nation.
They profit from our acrimony!

Last edited by Goose (10/14/2017 5:50 pm)

We live in a time in which decent and otherwise sensible people are surrendering too easily to the hectoring of morons or extremists. 
     Thread Starter

10/14/2017 5:55 pm  #16

Re: Most Republicans say colleges have negative impact on US

Just Fred wrote:

Pick West Chester.  I was a Golden Ram myself, and had an excellent experience.  Nice mix of students from both urban and country areas.  But, of course, I'm biased. 

When we started this process, I was almost certain she would end up at West Chester.  Now that we have been to all of them, West Chester is the last likely spot she will end up at.

She really wants PSU-University Park and has the grades and classes to get in, but her SAT scores were slightly lower than what they want for admission.  She re-took them last week and if she can get them up to their average score of 1300, she has a good chance of getting in.

She (and us) really liked Bloomsburg a lot more than West Chester, which surprised all of us.


10/14/2017 6:54 pm  #17

Re: Most Republicans say colleges have negative impact on US

Brady Bunch wrote:

As someone whose political viewpoints are generally conservative, I don't have a negative view point of higher education.

My oldest daughter is a high school senior and she has already visited and applied to 4 colleges (PSU, Bloomsburg, West Chester and York College) and has already been accepted into York College for their competitive Nursing program with a $16,000 scholarship and Bloomsburg for elementary education (she still isn't sure what she wants to major in).  Still waiting on PSU and West Chester for their decision.

With that being said, I can see why some "values" conservatives would have a negative view of college.  It was pretty clear when we visited those college, especially the state run universities, that the culture on campus is more in line with current liberal or progressive values.  However, that doesn't mean you should have a negative view of higher education.  It means people who disagree with those liberal values can hopefully learn to interact and debate those who are liberal and hopefully the liberals on campus would be willing to do that with them as well.  

I would be curious what you took notice of on those campuses that you said were in line with current liberal or progressive values. 

"Do not confuse motion and progress, A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress"

10/14/2017 8:11 pm  #18

Re: Most Republicans say colleges have negative impact on US

tennyson wrote:

I would be curious what you took notice of on those campuses that you said were in line with current liberal or progressive values. 

It might have been the big banner that said "progressives only, conservatives not welcome!"  

In all seriousness, it wasn't anything from the university staff themselves, it was more of what the students mentioned on the tours about life on campus and different groups, activities and speakers they had on campus.  To be honest, I don't remember what exactly was said, because it isn't something that makes a difference to us in selecting a college, but I do remember thinking to myself at each college at least once or twice that what they said fits into the narrative of most college campuses being liberal.  As I mentioned, it was nothing egregious and isn't playing into her college decision, but it was something that I did notice.


10/14/2017 8:56 pm  #19

Re: Most Republicans say colleges have negative impact on US

Wherever she decides to go, Brady, I'm sure she will be fine.  I wouldn't give the 'liberal' vs 'conservative' stuff a second thought.  It sounds like you have encouraged her to think for herself.  That's what's important.


10/14/2017 9:35 pm  #20

Re: Most Republicans say colleges have negative impact on US

Brady Bunch wrote:

My oldest daughter is a high school senior and she has already visited and applied to 4 colleges (PSU, Bloomsburg, West Chester and York College) and has already been accepted into York College for their competitive Nursing program with a $16,000 scholarship and Bloomsburg for elementary education (she still isn't sure what she wants to major in).   

Being a YCP 1981 Alumnus I am partial to my alma mater. 

Even back in that day their Nursing program was academically rigorous and well respected.   It has only grown stronger, especially with the state of the art ICU mock up at the west campus.

There are a lot of unemployed/underemployed elementary ed majors but very few unemployed RNs.

Life is an Orthros.

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