U.S. Backs Iran With Airstrikes Against ISIS
March 25, 2015
US aircraft carrier sent to block Iranian arms shipments to Yemen rebels
April 21, 2015
What a mess.
So are we supporting the Shiites or the Sunnis? Can't have it both ways. Nothing like a third party poking its nose into religious wars.
It's a very dangerous game that we are playing.
This is going to be moved down to a navy commander's decision.
One wrong shot…………………….. death or damage and it could be
a game changer.
(US Aircraft carrier sent to block arms shipment)
Just Fred wrote:
What a mess.
So are we supporting the Shiites or the Sunnis? Can't have it both ways. Nothing like a third party poking its nose into religious wars.
I think it depends on the day and what country??
I know in the past we never played both sides against the middle !
I know in the past we never played both sides against the middle !
And the middle would be _________________________.
Kinda like back in the 70's when the Israelis and Egyptians were fighting. A U.S. Guided missile cruiser (DLG) was assigned picket duty in the eastern Mediterranean. This particular ship received schedules of fighter jets coming from the U.S. that were sold to both of the combatant nations. The specific orders for the guided missile cruiser was to monitor the incoming aircraft, per the schedule, identifying the specific destination of the group of planes (Israel or Egypt), and warning any intruding aircraft that they would be shot out of the sky if they interfered with the designated flight path.
So we've had plenty of practice in duplicity when it comes to Mideast conflict.
Just Fred wrote:
I know in the past we never played both sides against the middle !
And the middle would be _________________________.
The "middle" in the use of the term rarely means a real person or third party, the term in general means "to manipulate opponents or competitors in a manner which benefits the manipulator".
The question that should be asked is there a real goal in doing this.
Do you believe there is (or not) ?
The question that should be asked is there a real goal in doing this.
No, unless of course, there is some way you could cash in personally?